* Posts by Maestro

16 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Jan 2008

Apple as a religion: How the iPhone became divine



So maybe the trick to being able to make a phone call on the iPhone 4 is one must first BELIEVE in the power of Jobs.

Boffins authenticate Apple 'Antennagate'

Paris Hilton

The long and the short of it...

... is that Apple have completely forgotten that the iPhone was meant to be - shock horror - a phone. They've been so busy with catching up in all the others aspects of the smart phone industry that they seem to have overlooked the most basic of basics - making a damned phone call.

It honestly wouldn't surprise me if the 'really cool engineering' was a result of them realising towards the end of the the development "Oh crap! We forgot the antenna! Quick, draw one in on the outside of the phone. We'll call it 'cool engineering'."

Paris because if anyone out there can grip it and use it right, it's her.

iPhone 4 developers get software update, but will it fix death grip?



Kudos for an actually insightful reply - however hasn't it been demonstrated that under RF isolation with an emulated cell tower, bridging the antennas causes an attenuation of roughly -20dB? This is pretty damned significant.

Obviously all phones are prone to attenuation when held, basic physics. The issues here is that the 'really cool engineering' of the antenna completely ignores basic ergonomic factors - like how people usually hold a phone.

There's no dancing around the fact that Apple has significant missed the bar on this one.

They could easily fix the whole debacle by offering everyone who's bought an iPhone 4 thus far a free bumper, and insulate the damned antennas on future production runs. The fanbois could all point and shout about what a wonderful company Apple is again, Jobs could save face by actually fessing up to their mistake, and the world could finally go back to normal.

To play on words from the big man himself: "Fix your phone. Not that big of a deal."



"- if you hold it wrong and are in a very weak signal area then it's about the same as a 3GS, but people are worried because they notice a dramatic change in the number of bars depending on how they hold it"

My boss has sword by the iPhone since it launched, but he's already returning this one because it's blatantly far worse than the 3GS. We've tried it several times, and bridging the antennas has actually dropped the call. Not bridging the antennas the call is of decent quality. How is this NOT a fundamental design flaw?

Consumer Reports: 'We were wrong about the iPhone 4'


As his Appleyness might say...

Recall & fix the antenna. Not that big of a deal.

F*ck you, thunders disgruntled fanboi Apple user



Steve says no.

Microsoft ditches Windows 7 E plans

Thumb Down

Oh good grief

This whole charade seems ridiculous to me. And I don't get where this antitrust business is going. What next, 50 screens when i install windows offering me different browsers, calculators, notepads, calendars, et al? Where do you draw a line and say 'enough!'.

A browser is a perfectly sensible thing to ship with an OS. If you don't like that on, just bloody install one you do like! Instead of wasting millions of pounds on ridiculous court cases. This kind of legislation makes no sense and it clearly will never be applied to any other industry, or even other developers in the OS industry.

Opera slams Microsoft's Windows 7 E move - again

Paris Hilton

I sincerely hope...

Opera is put out of business from all this. I mean their whole argument is frankly ridiculous - okay MS isn't a loved company, okay IE isn't a great browser, but all this is doing is causing more hassle for the average Joe user, who might not be technically savvy enough to go through the whole process. Just because Opera aren't getting enough users.

Maybe they should try investing in making their browser worth using and switching to, rather than trying to get another company to market their software for them.

Paris, because we all know she'd never manage to handle all that.

Whining serial commentard bemoans Reg bullying

Paris Hilton


Actually fought in the war did you?

A more poignant expression would be "If it wasn't for people like me you'd have no one to point and laugh at."

Paris, because she likes a nice big Database

Designers conjure up wacky 'car of the future'



In the first picture the interior seating looked more like a bathtub. Now THAT'S a car I would buy.

Conviction overturned in MySpace suicide case


Sad Truth

The sad truth is, she didn't break any laws - at least not the ones she's been tried for. I'd still wager that sexual advances towards a minor using MySpace would qualify for some pretty harsh penalties, and possibly land her on the sex offenders list. But the truth is she didn't directly kill this little girl. There were a wide range of factors involved that culminated in this tragic event. Whilst she triggered a chain reaction of events that lead to Megan's suicide, it's clearly noted that she didn't actually suggest she should kill herself, and didn't tie the knot in the rope herself.

IF it was her who had send the "world would be a better place without you" message, that would change things considerably I imagine. But proving that she's fabricating a cover story would be difficult I'd wager?

However, to the person complaining about sickening "12 gauge justice" - frankly I feel she got what she deserved. Whilst I agree she can't, and shouldn't, be punished under law (those she was tried against at least) - she got everything she deserved. HER actions were sickening, depraved, and way beyond 'sleazy'. She knew full well what she was doing was wrong, and I'm glad she got her comeuppance.

In situation like this, where there is not legislation under which a person can be tried, I'm all in favour of 'societal justice' - obviously not to the degree of physical violence, but in making it clear she is no longer welcome in society, with constant reminder that she is a sick individual and an outcast.

But I still feel a term on whatever qualifies as the sex offenders registry in the USA would be a nice legal reminder to anyone else out there of her mindset that this kind of behavior is wrong.

My concerns from here on out are for her children, and that they will be persecuted for the actions of their mother.

Man+dog plunged into 'faecal lagoon'



... that stinks.

Texas cop tasers gobby granny

Paris Hilton

Granny zapping? Seriously?

As an officer of the law, he is expected to remain calm and in control of a situation, not loosing his cool. Using a taser of a 71 year old woman - confrontational or not - is an abuse of power. Yes she was in the wrong, and she was clearly being difficult, but a taser is a dangerous LAST SOLUTION to someone who is physically resisting arrest, surely? Something tells me this little old dear couldn't exactly put up much of a fight his this guy wanted to cart her off to jail.

Just because an irate OAP retorts "Go ahead, tase me!" doesn't warrant that reaction from officer. The are several instances where people have been seriously injured / killed through the use of tasers, most of them far younger that 72.

I for one am disgusted at this and hope that the officer is brought up on charges of gross misconduct. If he's unable to control himself. let alone a difficult situation, he's no business wearing the badge.

To those of you who condone this - do you honestly believe he'd exhausted his options? Should tasers not be an absolute last resort, short of firearms?

Paris - because we all know she loves a good shock.

Time Warner gives up selling AOL

Thumb Down

Bunch of theiving cretins

I say let em' die. They're the worst company i've ever had the misfortune of dealing with - and i never even used their services.

I PURPOSEFULLY went out of my way to avoid ever having AOL, yet somehow they're now billing me for broadband access i never asked for, and neither me nor the bank can make them stop. They acknowledge that it's fraudulent activity, but won't cancel the account because I can't give them the AOL account name and details!! Cretins, thieving bastard Satan spawn. I hope that they and all their associates rot in the deepest depths of hell for all the headache and trouble they've caused me. Sooner they're put out of business the better.

How to destroy 60 hard drives an hour



... for when the Obscene Materials bill gets past!

Beware the populist mash oozing out of Facebook and YouTube


Here here!

As someone who cringes at the fact every conversation I seem to have - with practically every person I meet - at some point turning to facebook, I concur!

Let the lot of em' rot in Internet hell!