What do we want?
Bonnie Tyler lyrics.
When do we want them?
Every now and then...
93 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Jan 2008
LOAD * "m";1;"<program name>"
I set up little menus to be able to load one of two or three games off each cartridge.
The trick of repeatedly formatting the cartridge to get the maximum capacity out of them - I'm sure I had some which had a capacity of 99KB.
Now I need to dig into boxes and find them...
Sometimes there's just not enough WTF? in the world....
Lycra-clad Power Ranger dancers. Check.
Gobsmackingly bad attempt to MS-ify an aging club tune. Check.
'Flying' machine which appeared to be missing any obvious lift vs mass advantage. Check.
People surprised when it plummeted. Check.
As mentioned by AC 16:55, Benchmark Reviews have issued a DMCA takedown notice against the page linked to in the article.
However, as is traditional there's a nascent Streisand effect on the rise....
The original critic's homepage is at www.worldofstu.co.uk where one can find a forum which has a thread about this whole palava here: http://s2.zetaboards.com/worldofstuart/topic/5093413/1/
The long and the short of it is that the original page is on the way to being restored, and http://wosblog.wordpress.com/ is currently up and running.
There's also a metafilter article about it here:http://www.metafilter.com/93993/Corruption-in-the-chair-world
Apologies to our dear moderatrix for the many links to other sites, but it is interesting* to see what lengths Benchmark Reviews are going to in an attempt to silence and remove from the interwibble someone who is making a criticism of their 'review'.
* - for specific values of 'interesting'....
Interesting to note that the 'eruption' link (http://wosblog.podgamer.com/2010/07/21/benchmark-reviews-busted-more-like/) now leads to an 'Account Suspended' page....
I suspect, from the timing and recent comments from a Benchmark Reviews writer then the following reply from the author, that Benchmark Reviews have really got their knickers in a twist about this.
The long and the short of it was that BR have published a fawning review of a $1200 chair which seems to be mainly copied from a press release, yet claimed to be independently authored and a critical review. The WoS article called them on this and pointed out that comments on the BR page which asked about this had been deleted, then his IP blocked.
Make your own mind up, but there are lots of phrases which are never used by human beings - only ever in press releases.
As the kids say - FAIL.
There is no way that a stoned individual would dispose of a pastie in an ATM, or indeed anywhere other than their own face.
I severely doubt that there is any way in which you could convince anyone who is stoned to go to the effort of sticking a traffic cone on a belisha beacon.
As for the fire hazard angle, I guess that's why we hear of so many stoners self-immolating on every nightly news broadcast.....no....wait....
What you seem to have done is attempt to tar marijuana users with the same brush as alcohol ABusers. Your logic is worthy of the Daily Mail but very few other places.
I recently bought a somewhat cheaper MFD - I went for a Brother MFC-255CW, although the printing element was the least of it's features for me. I only required a scanner and fax machine as I already have a laser for bulk/b&w work and a dye-sub for photo quality stuff.
I second AC's call - more info about the scanning capabilities would be useful.
As would knowing more about the print cartridges - I chose the Brother over Lexmark, Epson, Canon and HP models because it was the only one which had separate CMYK cartridges rather than a single one which would require replacement as soon as one colour ran out. It was also the only one whose cartridges were not chipped, meaning that I've got the option to re-fill them once they're empty.
It's always worked fine here, no matter which version of Opera, or which OS I use it on.
I'm even posting this from 10.10 on my old pc which I'm about to upgrade to 10.53...or maybe the 10.60 beta....hmmm...
Long term (since v4) Opera user, and I certainly don't notice any CSS related oddness on sites that I visit regularly....
It's a SCRaper for gOOGLE, geddit? ;)
The good bits of Google's search engine without the more disturbing periphery.....
I'm almost 100% certain that scroogle.com is unrelated with the .org....whether the dress is common, slutty or not in evidence whatsoever!
"Indeed, groups among them might presumably decide - as part of their internal decision-making process - to develop a simulated world of their own."
There was another theory which suggested this had already happened.
Mat because I, for one, welcome our StOMA bearing overlords....
Stealing ideas from
The BeOS will not win you
any friends here Bill
Some particularly relevant NetPositive error messages:
Won't you please observe
A brief moment of silence
For the dead server?
First snow, then silence.
This expensive server dies
So beautifully.
Ephemeral site.
I am the Blue Screen of Death.
No one hears your screams.
Errors have occurred.
We won't tell you where or why.
Lazy programmers.
Server's poor response
Not quick enough for browser.
Timed out, plum blossom.
Stay the patient course
Of little worth is your ire
The server is down
Error reduces
Your expensive computer
To a simple stone.