* Posts by Meaty

3 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Jan 2008

Microsoft bribes Oz to ditch Firefox


If IE8 is the only browser that works with the webpage..

Then they aren't following standards. AGAIN.

High Court approves software patents

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Brain theft

If I have a good idea, like, if I'm solving a problem and I come up with the only rational solution, I don't wish to find out a month later that someone else had the same idea as me and is entitled to charge me to implement my idea.

That's the arrogance of patents. I haven't got the time or the inclination to check the patent databases every time I have a good idea to make sure that someone hasn't had the same idea and patented it - if I had to do that, I would never get around to writing software.

I also don't have the arrogance to claim that I'm the only person capable of having such an idea. That's ludicrious.

Software patents are utterly wrong. Writing a program requires you to solve potentially thousands of problems, and it's wrong that someone could prevent you from solving some of the more essential ones.

Amiga explains AmigaOS 5 AmigaAnywhere


The amiga went bust

Is because they didn't make what everyone wanted, which was a new, more powerful amiga. Instead we had CDTV, the A600, the Amiga GS. Anything but what everyone was clammering for.

Amiga announced a new amiga in early 2007 to be released by the end of 2007. Where is it? Oh, you've made a JVM clone. How very "amiga". It doesn't deserve to have the Amiga name anywhere on it, because it's not an amiga, it's just some software that nobody will use.

Cheers Bill!