* Posts by wyly

5 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Jan 2008

Comcast: Our BitTorrent busting is 'best in class'


Sad but necessary

I'm sorry to say that I have to agree with the need for ISPs to intervene in the transfer of bittorrent files. People seem to have no respect for intellectual property and theft is so commonplace that people on this site generally do not even believe it is theft anymore. I suspect that 99% of the people who advocate P2P file stealing owe their professional careers to the monetization of intellectual property. Yet these very same people see no hypocrisy in stealing it if they can do so without being caught. Pathetic.

Yahoo! tunes! out! of! music! subscription!


Subscritpion Music is much better than the Reg is willing to admit

Well, I've never had a problem with the way Napster charges my credit card every month nor have I any problems with the software. The new version 4.1 works like a charm. I have it loaded onto my laptop which receives a wireless signal from my desktop and the laptop is plugged directly into the Auxillary jack in the back of my stereo system. I gotta tell ya, I can't imagine a better way to experience music. My laptop is now basically my control center for all music and I have the world's largest music library at my command. I can also listen on my office PC and my nephew uses the third PC allotment so he gets all the music he could ever want for free off my sub. I also have three Napster-provided mp3 players that I download or sync to various playlists. I use one for my workouts at the gym, one is loaded up with nothing but guitar music that I use for practicing guitar and the third is used by my nephew. If all that isn't a bloody amazing value proposition then I don't know what is.

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Subscritpion Music is much better than the Reg is willing to admit

I suggest our Canadian friends sign up for Napster, which offers its service in Canada as well as England, Germany, Japan, and many others through its mobile service. I have been a NAPS subscriber for over two years...love it. You bashers really need to get over the concept of "owning" littel files of electrons hidden in a box under your desk. Music is enjoyed only when heard and the best way to hear the most music is via the subscription model. I was a nay sayer as well until I tried it.

Pirate Bay slapped with copyright charges

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Pirate = thief, look it up.

Pirate Bay and all other P2P file stealing sites should be shut down and the principals of the sites as well as those who share files on the sites should be fined and put in jail.

Napster looks to de-tether downloads


i like my napster

Why do you consistently bash napster? What you apparently don't understand about subscription music is that it is not necessarily intended to replace ownership...if that is important to you. The beauty of the subscription model is in the flexibility and access it provides. When I use the service, which is every day, I end up discovering so many new songs and artists that I would otherwise never have known about. It is well worth $13-$15 per month just for the ASP service of the napster software. The fact that I can download it onto my cell phone or mp3 player is just gravy. Now napster is upping the value proposition by allowing me to purchase DRM-free mp3 files if I care to own some of the artists I discover. I probably won't do so because I never expect to stop my subscription, but I could if that mattered to me. Why don't you guys take a fresh perspective on what one is really paying for with the subscription model rather than just mindlessly bashing it by comparing to ownership. What does one really "own" anyway? A file of electrons hidden inside a box of wires? What value is that? What I care about is hearing good music. "Owning" it is irrelevant.