@AC - Familiaral Matching
Yeah, I was thinking along those lines myself. I really dont understand the arguments against DNA collection!
If you've done nothing wrong then you've done nothing wrong. If your DNA is in the database then the police have one more sample with which to find the person who raped a 12 year old girl. If they can identify that your cousin is the sick bastard who they are looking for and your DNA pointed them in that direction, wouldn't you feel much better about the whole process? I know I would and I long for the day when one more tool to help stop disgusting crimes like that are more effective.
On the other side, if someone wants my DNA to do nasty stuff that you're all worried about, all they have to do is grab my refuse from outside my house. Toothbrushes, clothes, tin cans... Everything I touch can potentially have traces of my DNA on it if you're quick and able to look closely enough!