When formatting your Hard Disk you had to insert MASK 0x7ffffffe or 0xfffffffe to avoid files being corrupted and stopping receiving lots of fault errors. ^_^
Posts by Raffaele
10 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Jan 2008
OK brainiacs, we've got an IT cold case for you: Fatal disk errors on an Amiga 4000 with 600MB external SCSI unless the clock app is... just so
New Amiga to go on sale in late 2017
ST users you have your Firebee toy. Go on and get a life...
I don't know from where this mass of former Atari users is coming from, trolling about an Amiga clone mini-motherboard in 2017.
i don't know if they are envious or just still being fanboys aged 40 years old or more.
From my point of view all this hate it is all a lost of time and waste of efforts, as personally I had preferred that there were no Amiga-Atari wars and that Amiga could had being purchased by Atari, as Atari firm has always made good machines, it kept a better customer-care attitude and they never abandoned its customers as Commodore did various times, and sure if Atari had had purchased Amiga, then it had valorized Amiga capabilities better than crappy Commodore firm, that was so greedy not even including on-board Midi port on Amigas due to esteemed value rising prices of manufacturing by even 0.99 cents per motherboard, and with that move they lost all music market.
A word to Atari users: Hey people. I have news for you. You already have your Atari ST/Falcon clone motherboard made by hardware Atari geeks.
Yes and it was built ages before this Vampire Amiga clone!
It is called FIREBEE and it is based on Coldfire CPU and it is almost 7 years that it is on the market.
So get a life and go buying it if you still care of Atari and you really love it as we love our Amigas, else continue using your actual Peecees.
Firebee in action:
Re: The Amiga
Clive5 List of musicians using Amiga is long as much as the list you made of musicians using ST, and our list includes also people like Billy Idol and Betty Boo. So what?
Plus I hardly think all the musicians you mentioned could realize an entire album + video with their ST as Todd Rundgren made with his Amigas 3000s + Lightwave + Videotoaster, including 3D graphics and effects.
And In Japan Susumu Hirasawa performed his concerts piloting himself all the lights and special effects from the stage thru Scala Multimedia... That is more than being one-man-band. Maestro Hirasawa sensei in those times was an entire one-man-orchestra + Concert + SpecialFXs.
Also the last professional music Hirasawa composed with Amiga, according to his own testimony, it was the soundtrack for Anime Movie Paprika by Satoshi Kon in 2006.
I hardly believe any computers of 1992 had a lifetime longer than the Amigas had.
Mr. Hartley. On Amiga we already have a decent browser and it is name OWB (Odyssey for the friends). In the meanwhile LibreOffice is worked on, then you can made some good surfing.
If you will end not buying the Vampire, if you have plenty of RAM and an accelrated card on your A3000 then you can use Netsurf then, even if it has limited capabilities, as it is only HTML 4.01 compliant and lacks of Javascript that will be available from version 5 as stated by development team (experimental Javascript Machine is available on RiscOS Netsurf version as long as I remember).
Re: what is the point ?
1) Crayon palette??? Are you kidding?
AA Amigas like A1200, A4000 and CD32 had 16 million colors and can use 262144 at once. They could display also 16 millions with HAM24 tricks. Not to mention modern PPC Amigas have 16 million colors natively.
2) What's the appeal...??? What is the appeal do you ask?
Well if only you could experience the power of being YOU the real master of the machine and not being mastered by the Operating System like in Windows that contains dozens hidden "Services" connected to Microsoft, if only you can feel the real power of being YOU the master without the necessity to take a degree in Information Technology in order to understand how it works nerdy Linux OS and in the end not being treated as a childish idiot as does Apple that gives its users a comfortable caged baby cradle in which you can't make any errors (in MacOS you have full power only if you unleash its hidden text-based shell powers, but then you need a degree as in Linux), then you will really understand the easy of use and the beauty of AmigaOS.
That's why we still use it in 2017!!!
Son of Transputer powers new Amiga box

Xilinx more serious than Xena? But there is already a Xilinx 500 Chip on AONE X-1000!
@ Jlocke
Sure you have no informations that various people spotted a Xilinx 500 processor togheter with the XENA Chip in the high right corner of the first public photo of the AmigaONE X-1000.
(Just resize the image a bit higher, and perhaps you can choose to make it a lso a bit more clear joking with contrast and luminosity features to keep Xilinx name visible on the chip)
So there is also a Xilinx 500 on the motherboard.

Xena Chip? Please don't call it "simply" a transputer or underestimate it!
The Xena Chip used as co-processor it is not a simply transputer.
It is a modern "all purpose" programmable chip of some FPGA class and aimed mainly at dealing with big streaming of data in Input/Output.
In the internet Age, to have a processor that deals with data streams it is really an interesting feature.
This will leave the main processor free for the tasks of dealing with the OS and the software.
It is really a renewed concept of the ancient Amiga Chipset but this time it is not aimed at media (GPU and Audio Chips are good enough nowadays) but aimed at freeing the processor dealing with big data amount of modern streaming over any net (Internet, local, Wi-Fi, etcetera).
It also can be programmed to became a co-processor, or mimicking any other processor of the same class, or piloting external devices. It can also be attached to a cloud of other Xena processors for distributed computing (on the motherboard there is also a PCI slot modified for high I/O streaming that Xena could pilot all by herself). It is a very interesting feature.
Not only Amiga is back, but it also keep the fun of making evolving again the whole motherboard design concept, looking at a point (data streaming) that no any other manufacturer has still explored...
And sure it is a very interesting motherboard design made by a firm that has built AOne X-1000 with a cheap budget and not counting on dozillions of Euro/dollars to spend in research and new motherboards design, like it could afford Asus, Intel or Apple.
With Amiga computing is fun again!
AmigaOS 5 surfaces... sort of

@ Eyeam
Eyeam wrote:
Many want Amiga OS to be revamped, updated, brought up to standards (like with SATA I & II, USB. 2/3, PCI-E support, etc.); and for it to be able to utilize regular PC motherboards.
But Amiga has already USB 2.0 support... Use Poseidon stack with a compatible USB 2.0 PCI card...
Regarding SATA and PCI-Express, the italian made SAM440EP moherboard, born o became the new Amiga it is ready for that technology and just awaits for a license of AmigaOS 4.0
I have to condemn Amiga until they announce they are putting the OS on x86-64 (and by that I mean a desktop/server OS utilizing CPUs from the likes of Intel and AMD). I want to see Amiga OS exactly where Microsoft Windows exists
Then all you must to do it is to get an old PC Intel machine and download and install the 64bit full version of AROS on it!
64bit Live CD version:
64Bit full installation:
Eheheh! Yes! AROS works on 64bit machines!
Remember that AROS it is incomplete and still in development!
Enjoy AROS! Enjoy Amiga!

Amiga is alive and kicking...
Who cares of Amiga Anywhere?
I mean it is good technology and I knew it does tricks that are not common with Java...
As AmigaAnywhere runs the same programs by changing screen resolution on the fly on different devices, and if you run any program from SD memory cards and then you extract it hotplug (plug-in plug-out) from a device, then it suspends the running program and continue running it on another device, just after the hotplugging...
But it is not Open Source, while Java it is...
And AmigaAnywhere is not aimed at desktop usage...
While us Amigans want to spread how beauty and usable it is AmigaOS...
It is no resource consuming... It runs with a minimum of 128 MB (MEGA) of RAM, and common installation may vary from 17 Megabytes (MorphOS) or 40 Megabyte (AmigaOS 4.0)...
It is very low footprint... It is real multitasking and aimed at multimedia...
The OS needs a very limited number of files to run, it has an easy system to deal with Hardware Devices, and its system of directories, commands, preferences and common rules sure needs very few time and effort to be learnt and then mastered by any user...
To install a program usually you have just to copy only 2 or 3 files in a directory with the same name of the software you purchased, and a library with the same name of the software, in the obliged path "Libs:"...
To upgrade the system usually needs only one single file to be placed in obliged places...
There are lots of programs
(See here for example a range of its software running on MorphOS:
Nice to discover it runs alll this software, eh?
And there is more and more
Take a look for example its Youtube Client software Tubexx:
Nice, isn't it?)
And there is many, many more...
There are centralized systems for dealing with files (Ddatatype and Mimetype system), recognizing and extracting achives and compressed (XAD Library), and with FTP (Amiga trade Center), and so on...
Real heirs of ancient Amiga are:
AmigaOS 4.0
MorphOS 1.4.5 (2.0 incoming)
See it:
AmigaOS 4.0:
AROS hosted in Windows:
Aros it is more than normal AmigaOS...
It is an OPEN SOURCE Operating System which uses the same API as AmigaOS 3.1 as a starting point to develop a brand NEW and INDIPENEDENT OS...
Any person with coding skills could contributed AROS to being complete...
AROS can run standalone on INTEL X86 Machines (your computer at home), or on PPC or on Palm computers...
It can run in HOSTED environment into Windows or Linux
You can download even a LIVE CD ISO of it here:
(A brand new ISO it is here
very, very brand new...)
And you can also try a VMWARE preinstalled environment of it:
Run it into the free VMWare Player...
VMWare preinstalled version is 200 MB circa (and if I remember well it has been compressed with 7-Zip)
Just think this fact...
If Amiga were were dead, then it couldn't be ENOUGH VITAL to generate at least THREE BEAUTIFUL HEIRS...
All proofs says that AMIGA IT IS ALIVE AND KICKING!
Now any of you it is free to test AROS and see in action an Amiga system, try the demos, and the demoprograms as Lunapaint, MAME, etc...
Now you are free to discover how it is easy and performant an Amiga Like system...
See how many memory it is free for the user... See how few CPU Stress...
Dedicate an ancient Pentium III or IV machines to a complete installation of AROS, and you will see these machines fly high...
Enjoy Amiga!