* Posts by Stephen

1 publicly visible post • joined 7 Jan 2008

AmigaOS 5 surfaces... sort of


EyeAm condemns AmigaAnywhere2 as "Amiga OS"

Amiga having nothing to do with "personal computers"? Who are we kidding. That's where Amiga OS should be--it should not be focused on this. Amiga Inc. should be delivering Amiga OS on x86-64 architecture, with a 64-Bit-centric worldview (i.e., Desktops and Servers at its core!)

Many want Amiga OS to be revamped, updated, brought up to standards (like with SATA I & II, USB. 2/3, PCI-E support, etc.); and for it to be able to utilize regular PC motherboards.

The path for Amiga OS is just that--with all these tiny devices like PDAs, phones, and so forth, satelliting around the main PERSONAL COMPUTER.

I have to condemn Amiga until they announce they are putting the OS on x86-64 (and by that I mean a desktop/server OS utilizing CPUs from the likes of Intel and AMD). I want to see Amiga OS exactly where Microsoft Windows exists, utilizing exactly what Microsoft Windows and Apple utilizes, and providing an alternative to those very OSes--because this, I recognize, is what many, many, many people desire out of Amiga Inc. Not some follow-the-leader exercise.

I do not support their AmigaAnywhere 2 vision whatsoever. I condemn their lack of resolve in providing what the end-user (Amigans) really wants. I really wish they would get rid of Bill McEwen and do the right thing with the OS, and not ruin the good reputation and brand it had in the past.

They could easily partner with Commodore and pick up the "Commodore-Amiga" line of computers, providing a "Commodore-Amiga 5000", for example, which could be designed to take either PPC or x86-64 motherboards, and be made to support all the latest industry standards. Doesn't have to be Commodore as parent company, either, to do that.

They should write/release "Amiga Phoenix" (i.e., OS5) that can auto-sense the hardware, and install appropriate libraries (for PPC or x86-64), and that has full backward compatibility with all previous Amiga OSes and Amiga software (quite possible by rewriting Amiga's Exec kernel in the exokernel structure, separating resource management from resource protection). They could then have this 32-Bit AmigaAnywhere (or AmigaDE as it was once called) merged with the 32-Bit Amiga OS classic as a deployable module that both resides on the larger, better, more advanced 64-Bit OS...as well as hosted on Windows, Linux, MAC, and so on.

