* Posts by no name

4 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Jan 2008

Dogs and arson feature in top 10 data recovery disasters

no name

Pulling data from a mobile phone that had been smashed into 11 pieces

The data in a mobile phone are saved in a Flash memory (in very seldom case there are two on the board and/or a mobile storage device is offered) anyway - it is possible to desolder

the Flash from the board (or piece of the board), "reball"

and place into a socket to have access to the data with a proper interface.

Unless the memory is broken into two pieces, i.e. the die of the memory is broken,

it is not a problem for an average lab

NASA to brief on manned spaceship 'concerns'

no name

for the records @ James Monnett

for the records it should be noted that in reply to:

"So Russia invading a small neighboring country that only recently broke free from centuries of Russian domination = the US bullying the world? Nice Logic."

no matter how one can twist the facts but

1) under the CCCP South Ossetia was an autonomous region

2) when the CCCP collapsed Georgia declared independence

and abolished the autonomy

3) The South Ossetian immediately rejected the decision and started to fight

the Georgians:South Ossetian win and Georgian lose,

arrival of an interposition force.

(same apply for Abkhazia)

bottom line:

No matter how you twist the facts but the

locals prefer to shoot at Georgian rather than being annexed,

for what regards "US bullying the world" just

substitute "South Ossetian" with "Kosovo"

and "Georgia" with "Serbia"

and make a study in contrast of the attitude

of the so called "free" western media.

in reply to:

"I suppose now you’ll call the Russian invasion of Afghanistan in the 80’s and Afghan Rescue Mission?"

the only problem of the Russian is that they did not call it

"operation Afghanistan freedom" or "desert storm",

also they did not have the secretary of the communist party

landing on a carrier declaring "mission accomplished"

(after all it was a "cakewalk").

I daresay it is basically a marketing problem.

in reply to:

"Paris, cause anyone who thinks Russia is NOT trying to rebuild the Soviet Union is as dumb as she is."

I wonder what would think Paris of an organization called NATO (=North Atlantic..)

involved in Afghanistan - I think she can distinguish the sea from the mountain

EU grabs 30MHz of spectrum for talking cars

no name

actually it is a wonderful idea

current cars are packed with electronics and the signal, say,

"car in front of you had airbags activated" could save lifes

particulary on road full of turns - same case if car in front

of you start to perform an emergency stop or has ABS activated

(could be a sign for example of aquaplaning while braking).

It is right to reserve the frequency while it is agreed a standard

on what and how communicate between cars.

'Ragtag' Russian army shows the new face of DDoS attacks

no name
Paris Hilton

Re: the nukes just gave them (=japanese) a face-saving way to avoid obliteration.

just to highlight what apparently looks a statement about Japanese

finding a positive side in getting nuked - I visited a Japanese memorial

in Japan about that and frankly speaking I think they disagree on this thesis.

anyway, interesting post - apparently hinting at a Soviet Invasion of Japan,

with what Navy - one might wonder, but alas the world wide web is the world

of (in)possible.

Ah, just a passing remark, without the defeat in Stalingrad, and more

in general, without the failure of invasion of CCCP in Europe there

would still be the "millenium Reich" since there is no way to imagine

a landing in front of a fully fledged Einsatzgruppe,

but again - why bother with reality if there is the www ?