pointless discussion
**Possible Spoilers warning**
I've got the game (second ever pre-order based on the quality of the last two offerings - never again!).
The level in question is not even remotely disturbing as there's absolutely no context or emotional involvement with either the character or the civilians.
At best it's a zombie shoot-em-up derivative - the only difference being none of the 'enemy' are actively after your brainzzz - and the whole choice thing is redundant when the outcome is the same however you play it.
This is probably the closest I've seen a game come to being a true cinematic experience in the sense that it is one big set piece after another with little room for player interaction/scheming.
Someone on Newsnight Review likened it to the last Bond film and I actually think he's not far wrong. As a game it comes under Epic Fail. As a visual treat it is up there with the very best cut-scenes (Assassin's Creed springs to mind (incidentally my only other gaming pre-order)).
The biggest problem (as with most calls for bannings) is that the people wanting to censor the thing haven't actually seen/played it.