Google turned it off then on again.
Posts by Paul Louth
12 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Jan 2008
Google goes dark for 2 minutes, kills 40% of world's net traffic
ICO tries to justify hefty NHS data breach fines
New science: seas will rise due to CO2 ... but not for centuries

So Mr Page, how about a bit of balance in your relentless quest to convince us all that climate change isn't happening/isn't a big deal?
I consider myself a sceptic on some of the evidence that is presented about climate change - purely because I think the modelling of a climate system over 10/20/50 years is incredibly difficult and prone to huge error the further out you go... however I think it's important to bring all of the evidence to the table, not this relentlessly one sided view.
If Lewis Page isn't going to provide balance, how about El Reg employs a second reporter who can give the other side of the argument?
Google's vanity OS is Microsoft's dream
Apple sued over 'inflated' iMac claims
MPs pile pressure on ISPs over Phorm
Virgin Media in premium rate U-turn

I don't care anymore...
""We have been working hard to improve customer service and listening to what our customers say, so will now be removing this charge from the outset."
I really don't care what they do anymore. As soon as I read about the Phorm story I arranged for a new line with another provider. I hope they rot in hell (or at least go bust).
Google's riches rely on ads, algorithms, and worldwide confusion

As of two months ago I make approximately a third of what I used to make from hosting Adsense on my site. The content is roughly the same (it's a forum), the impressions and the clicks are roughly the same, and the ads themselves all look to have a similar theme to 2 months ago.
It seems pretty clear to me that Google just decided they wanted some more of the money for themselves. But obviously I have no way of proving it.