* Posts by dave

9 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Jan 2008

Google to fund 'video Street View' for Central London


OMG, how many people took this seriously...

Although, under new labour it is sadly quite believable!

Is the UK.gov IT gravy train heading for the buffers?


Sleaze angel overlooked

How many of these big company's with Fat IT contracts made labour donations pre 97?

I would guess about 100%....

And have they made any donations to the conservatives? Because that will tell you who is getting their contracts renewed.

Can't stop the sleaze!


*need an Evil Tony and Evil Brown icon!

Corrupt cop abused police database to blackmail child abusers


Corrupt piggys with access to NuLabours mega database?

Now that scare the fuck out of me!

Mandelson's dept mulls UK internet power grab


Control freakary

Not a fan of nominet.... but I sure as hell do not want NuLabour to have control of them. NuLabour using anti-terrorist laws to freeze Iceland’s assets proves that they cannot be trusted at all. It is more fascist blairite control freakary.

I can just see any website that dares to criticize the NuLabour government would have their .co.uk registration pulled. And there is so much to criticize.

Jacqui Smith trails überdatabase plans


Lunatics are running the asylam.

If the last 10 years has proved anything about Nulabour, is that they cannot ever be trusted. From Lie's about the EU constitution, Lies about taxation, Lies about how data would be used, lost data, Lies about how anti-terror legislation would be used (anyone remember the labour heckler at one of their conferences being detained as a terrorist?), and then there is all the overly PC bullcrap we have to live through, and the slide into a Orwellian police state.

No more NuLabour.

Datatec buys Indian distie for Westcon expansion

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I can retire.

So Westcon will get a Indian call center?

Fantasic, my job's going to india!

The New Order: When reading is a crime

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Clueless law makers, clueless police

NuLabour's fascist police force in action! Common sense is now a truly foreign concept in UK law.

Teen battles City of London cops over anti-Scientology placard

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Welcome to Blair Britian

Now we are just one step away from the thought police.

Is there no commen sense in law? (or has there ever been)

Just another case of the police screwing the general public with bad laws.

UK gov sets rules for hacker tool ban

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More nulabour authoritrian BS legislation

nuLabour know best! No need for public consultation, they just blindly churn out bad law after bad law. Just like the fact you cant take a picture of your own kid in public, they are doing a blanket ban on the majority instead of actually targeting the very small minority of criminals. They are fascist, authoritarian and they make me and a lot of people sick with disgust at what they have done to this country.