Whats up with making fun of Birgitta Jónsdóttirs English?
Talk about missing the point of your own article.
7 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Feb 2008
Oh dear
I hear the thunder of legal goats hoofs approaching. And they will all be screaming stuff like "you must not show what the next track will be" and other asinine claims that are supposedly leaning your service towards music on demand. I work with this stuff every day and I know that will happen as soon as you are big enough to get on their radar. Ridiculous? of course, but that is what Mr Robertson is talking about. Innovation is a swearword in this biz and your station will be accused of "using our copyrighted work to promote adsales" and then sued into oblivion. Stay away from major label content if you want to live. Sounds like something from a gangster movie doesnt it? Well read "the Hit men" by Fredric Dannen and be enlightened.
BTW I love you station. I am listening to it as I write. Just dont be famous for it :)