* Posts by rob

5 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Dec 2007

Jeremy Clarkson tilts at windmills


We need Q

If Q managed to give James Bond funky rotating number plates back in the late 70's/early 80's surely we cold knock some up these days and once connected to a GPS system with a Camera database simply have the plates automatically switch briefly as we fly through the cameras at whatever speed we wanted!!

AVG scanner blasts internet with fake traffic


Computer sssssllllloooww dddooooowwwwnnnnn

I had to kill the new scanner as simple browsing became too damn slow! Now I just have to live with the new AVG interface constantly indicating it is in an error state instead but it is a small price to pay for normal browsing speeds.

Windows Vista has been battered, says Wall Street fan


Vista works

I have happily been using Vista for 6-7mths on a laptop I was previously running XP on. Yep, I have fugured out how to turn off a few of the more annoying features (UAC was the biggy) but otherwise I have nothing to complain about.

Have the detractors ever played about on the O/S? If not, they should give it a go before passing judgement, you never know they may be surprised.

Stop sign 'cos currently the detratctors are simply following the Apple media machine.

Vista SP1 downloaders bite back

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No worries

I relucantly switched to Vista after being a avid dissident of all MS products for years. The new OS arrived and happily after 4 months using it for both work and pleasure solidly I have had very few complaints, the new interface is a refreshing change and despite the lack of overally driver support I have managed to get every periphial I use (gathered over the past 3 years) working without too many issues.

The new service pack went on for me without any issues, the only problem I found was that after the installation I had to reinstall the webcam driver for my Dell laptop despite it being the same driver as Dell originally installed.

So all the sceptics, I am unsure if you have ever used the OS or if you just like seeing your unguided voices in print on websites but give Vista a chance, it is not nearly as bad as its press of late.

Man uses mobe as modem, rings up £27k phone bill


It is common f**king sense

It is fairly obvious... Using a mobile to make phone calls (what they are designed for) is stil expensive 20 years or so after their initial release, using a mobile as a modem to download tv shows and porn (I expect) is always going to cost a fortune if you exceed what you have signed for!

The guy should go back, read his contract, then speak to Vodaphone about how they can come up with a mutually agreeable settlement.

He signed, he is liable, QED.