with purple and orange...
...2010 is the year of linux on the desktop!!
8 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Dec 2007
wow, just wow... I reckon it would be one simple step further to theorise (or even find) that a bug like the water bear could have a slightly harder/thicker shell to shield itself against the nasty types of solar radiation described, and then voila: quite solid evidence in the effort to prove that life originated extra-terrestrially.
There's been some discussion / thought on this issue on the AusNOG mailing lists (where industry admin / CEOs / network boffins regularly duke it out) and I'd say the most feasible scenario that they've come up with would be to have a "clean feed" based on the whitelisting idea mentioned above, which the user can opt-in to.... so that if people wish to protect their kids, they can request the ISP to modify their access account appropriately... and if a user doesn't wish to have blocks, then they need not identify themselves as being perverts/terrorists (as John Griffiths above posits). Business as usually for the masses, extra feature set to opt into for the mums + dads.
The methodology for providing such clean feeds has resulted in the usual discussion around things like transparent proxies, bgp, radius profile attributes, government-mandated whitelist / ACLs, etc.
The ISP's main point is that everything - from the consulting / ideas phase to implementation phase to ongoing support / production phase - needs to be funded by the government. ISPs shouldn't be footing any portion of the bill.
nowadays, the Netscape browser is thought of in equal terms with other such glory-days nostalgia... like the Hackers movie, 2x CD-ROMs connected via your sound card instead of to the IDE bus, dotmatrix printers, spending 3 hours waiting for the latest netscape browser to download over 14.4k dialup from your ISP and wondering whether you should try that wacky 'Mosaic' instead.
Hell, the last time I saw the Netscape logo was on a Discovery Science channel doco, and I exclaimed "oh ffs this show must be a decade old!"
AOL, you should have ditched it 5 years ago, or not even bought it in the first place. It's never good when your product is associated with antiquity.