Technical check
Tasers use high frequency, very high voltage AC to cause muscle tissue to rapidly deplete body sugar causing unconsciousness. TASER prongs are designed to not penetrate far enough into the flesh to let current levels reach a lethal level in the heart tissues.
Cameras generate 300 Vdc, just like a defibrilator designed to change heart rythm. Whether 300Vdc will kill depends on where it is applied. It can stop the heart, especially in anyone who has a heart defect.
Commercial off the shelf "stun guns" (not TASERS) come with instructions specifying where to touch someone. They specifically avoid specifying chest hits.
You can kill with a properly charged and applied modified camera. You can't kill by sticking your finger into an opened up one unless you do a really good job of sticking a left and right hand finger into the camera at the same time. I've been hit with 270Vdc 4 times in the last 5 years from 27 kilowatt power supplies. And its a lot safer than getting hit with 60Hz (or 50 Hz) wall power which makes your heart try and run 60 times too fast.
Is the camera hazradous. Hell yes. So is a can of deodorant, hairspray etc and a match. Or a bottle of ammonia and clorox poured together.
Suspend the stupid little shit. Fine his parents $1000 for being too stuipid to teach him not to do dangerous things. Modify the school district code of conduct to forbid cameras, hairspray and anything else the little shits can kill or maim each other with (like the old metal pronged Fro combs every carried in my day) and let the issue die.
PS I hope the world airports have banned carry on of disposable cameras. LMAO I know they don't my wife just flew with two in her carry on.