Re: What about endurance?
I guess we will be having the same discussion when QLC becomes mainstream and TLC is only had in the high end with MLC fading away.
21 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Dec 2007
I have several hundred online accounts. There is no way I could possibly remember the passwords or even the usernames for all of them. I used to just use the same password for most but then sites started adding conflicting password complexity rules and change policies. Now I use LastPass for the non financial accounts and have to remember the complex password for the rest. Although technically the passwords are not as complex for the ones I need to secure but LP has been hacked multiple times so I don't trust its usage for financial accounts.
Now if this is what they are tracking.. I have to enter a site with a self signed certificate at least 1 time per week for what 15 years now? As a programmer (besides the ones I have generated on my own) I click through the warning a lot in forums, wikis, blogs and source code download sites for individual open source projects.
At work where I monitor over 100 hard drives 24/7 for at least the last 5 years I nearly always know when a drive will fail long enough to replace it. Although this is not SMART PASS / FAIL. Of the 75 or so drives we have RMA'd ( I test them thoroughly before an RMA - 4 passes of badblocks minimum) only 1 single drive had indicated a SMART FAIL status. Even drives where large portions of the drive were unreadable. Instead of the full drive SMART PASS / FAIL I look at specific SMART parameters like Reallocated sectors, Current_Pending_Sector, Offline_Uncorrectable ...
I would expect hard drives to still be used years after NAND flash is replaced. Remember that flash has lower write endurance and lower retention period each time it is the nodes are shrunk and as a result this prevents flash from being a viable replacement for hard drives for video and other data sets that tend to be large.
Agreed. The biggest problem with SSDs now is that shrinking them with the current materials and process makes them less reliable. There are big problems with write endurance and unpowered data retention times that get worse each process shrink. I believe for SSD to catch magnetic disks for price and size there needs to be new materials used.
Cancel or allow? That is plain annoying. I wanted to copy a file to my program files folder from a network link and I ended up getting 3 dialogs for this one action. The first was a pretty dialog asking me if I really wanted to do that. Next was a plain dialog asking the exact same question. Next was a dialog telling me that I could not do that. What a pain. Ask the question once, please or we will all have to turn this crap off.