Wind your neck in, CheesePuff. Firstly, I'm not American. Secondly, re-read my post. You've clearly missed the points I felt shouldn't have required fine detail to explain.
PayPal is used daily by hundreds of legitimate users and businesses. While PayPal can no doubt afford to withstand a DDoS, it's still incredibly short-sighted of Anon to potentially affect the transactions of those legitimate users. How does that keep governments honest? Seems more like the playground fight-starer "My Dad's bigger than your Dad" response. Mature.
Many of my friends are currently serving, both in the different arms of the forces, and in my former regiment. While I disagree entirely with the reasons for going, the fact remains that we are still over there, and our support for our servicemen and women, rather than the mission, is what needs to be absolute. Disclosing details like informant or undercover identities risks not only them and their families, but our uniformed personnel too.
The tree you claim I fell from? Clearly wasn't the one you still occupy.