Could be useful
I could give one to many of the people who email me. They are totally incapable of typing English, so I would get exactly the same emails if they didn't know which key was which.
19 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Dec 2007
I'm afraid that more than 90% of the people that I deal with just don't give a hoot, whether or not the laptop is their property or their company's. They throw them around, leave them on permanently, while attached to a power supply and leave all manner of data displayed on the screen.
As for malware, forget it. Most of them have heard terms like virus, trojan and adware but don't have a clue what they mean or how they are contracted. They are ordinary, non-technical people who have been given this lump of equipment for them to write letters or enter some sort of data. They are not interested in how the thing works, it is just their job to use it. If it gets infected, it is just broken. If it gets stolen, they will just have to ask for another one. After all, it's only a bit of old electrical equipment.
As I regard the mobile phone as the most anti-social invention in history, I have deliberately banned myself from any place where its use is allowed. This restricted me to my home, my car and hospital. Now it appears that, if I become seriously ill, I will just have to stay home and die.
Hospital is already a stressful experience and this will make it ten times worse. People will go in with something like a broken leg and come out with serious mental issues.
I have had problems for years with every version of Safari. Frequent crashes and pages not displaying properly. I've lost count of the number of times I have reported it to Apple.
I don't have any plug-ins.
I installed Firefox, last year, and it has never crashed or corrupted a page.