To David Harrington
@David Harrington
"Linux has been trying for many years to become the dominent (sic) player in the desktop market and has resolutely failed, a fact which Linux fans should wake up and accept."
2 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Dec 2007
Thank you for offering informative news and articles. As for the shin kicking, public humiliating group. Please forgive them; they are maturationally challenged, undersocialized, ill bred delinquents with delusions regarding their self importance in the world and believing their subjective experiences define reality. They are chronically angry and behave in much the same manner almost every day and every where.
My own computers are assembled from components of my choosing but I realize there are many who purchase boxed systems. I salute Dell for venturing into the boxed Linux systems. They didn't jump in head first as some would have had them do, but they are continuing to develop and expand their program.