* Posts by Craig Paterson

2 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Dec 2007

Mono man accuses Mac Gtk+ fans of jeopardizing Linux desktop

Craig Paterson

@Putting The Target on My Chest


So, rather than setting up a decoder for the DVD's and installing a couple of codecs you had to install anti-virus, anti-malware, firewall etc. and this is windows working out of the box? I hear the same argument time and again from the windows boys, Linux doesn't work out of the box, windows does. Reality check, on windows you have to install office, firewalls, dvd players(don't mention media player, piece of crap just keeps crashing).Most linux distros have open.office, inbuilt firewall (a proper one, not just a half arsed packet filter), if you want to run java on windows you need a jvm same as linux. Linux is no more difficult to use than windows, it is just different, every user had to learn to use windows same as you would have to learn Linux. just my two pence

Dell spills its Guts over Ubuntu gear

Craig Paterson

Re: Cheap Laptops

You need to check before going on about the lack of software on Linux.

You want to sync your iPod? fine try Banshee, works a treat

You want to synch your Palm? ok, no problem Ubuntu 7.10 will detect your palm when you plug it in and ask you if you want to install the relavent software. whats so difficult about that?

Most Windows apps have an equivalent in Linux, granted some specialist aps don't but that is down to the software vendors. Games are still a problem but there are some excellent ones out there already just takes a bit of looking (try Wolfenstien enemy territory for instance).

We need more uptake of linux to make the software developers take notice then the games will be released for all OS'es