Re. Seriously?
Errrr. I think you may have misread irony for reality here.
"So you are messing around in DOS 'typing' binary files which really you have no need to do, get offended by a Friday afternoon comment left by some bored programmer and go squealing to the company? 10/10 for sense of humour failure."
I'm sure Mark will correct me if I am wrong here but I believe his point is that he WAS highly amused. The clues are in the words “I was shocked. No, that doesn't really cover it: I was traumatised.”. Surely this is an example of hyperbole intended to imply the opposite. (I’m sure there is a name for this figure of speech and equally sure that some other commenter will tell us what it is called.)
I also cannot believe that anyone who writes “Always remember, the compiler is your friend. Programming is stressful but no matter how many f**ks and b***ocks you might occasionally feel the need to insert into the comments, the compiler will always strip them out. It's great.” is really offended by the string “Fuckme”.
But, who knows, maybe I’m mistaking reality for irony. Indeed, is anything really real; apart of course, from aManFromMars? BTW, is it true he eats cars? Or was that TheManFromMars?