* Posts by David Kesterson

20 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Dec 2007

Amazon shrinks books with Kindle Singles

David Kesterson

Re: condensed books

The anonymous coward speaks the clear truth. As a general rule I am not in favor of book-burning, but those pretty volumes of condensed books from Reader's Digest are best employed as kindling.

Earth's first all Klingon opera debuts

David Kesterson

reverse look

I went to hear the opera - only got a face and whirling dots which were never satisfied to stop. I did right-click and a little box came up offering me the opportunity to open my microphone and camera to BBC. Is that unusual? Does BBC normally spy on those who watch?

Google to be bookseller by summer

David Kesterson

let them at each other

More e-books, drive down the margins - but remember, a real book is better and always will be

SeaWorld killer killer whale must die, Bible insists

David Kesterson

Just let him swim

He's a big boy - turn him loose. He can swim.

Avatards rush to name sprogs Pandora

David Kesterson


The language is so wonderful - Avatards!

Punked US Chamber sues faux press release pranksters

David Kesterson

Chicago style

Hit me - I hit you harder.

Hoaxed US Chamber thumps pranksters with blunt instrument

David Kesterson
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Our reporter leads us to consider whether our greatest concern ought not to be about the demise of the "Gray Lady," who appears here in the South in a blue dress. She is slipping and may just need to be put in a home. While anyone with common sense would understand that the fraudulent web site was not the US C of C, how could it slip by Reuters with its sterling UK roots, surely a savvy news agency. What ever happened to critical thinking?

Greenpeace applauds Apple climate change flounce

David Kesterson


Carbon dioxide is fertilizer - it makes apples grow.

Google shuts down bank snafu Gmail account

David Kesterson

Constitutional right to communicate???????????

There is no constitutional right to communicate. There is a right to free speech, not free communication. In fact, the US Postal Service holds a monopoly on first class mail, long one of the most significant forms of communication in the past. That monopoly is supported by the taxation of communication, the postage stamp being evidence thereof. The right of free speech has no corresponding obligation to listen, therefore there can be no right of communication.

And that's all I have to say about that.

Faux Foreign Secretary dupes UK press with Jackson Tweet

David Kesterson

I learned a new word

apposite - highly pertinent or appropriate

Thank you, Cade Metz, if there is really a Cade Metz.

Jimbo Wales: No one can make money from Wikipedia...

David Kesterson


easyk is exactly right. Urban Dictionary cites Jim Jones and the massacre in Guyana as principal reference for "drink the Kool-Aid. I remember when it happened. And...get over Bush and Cheney - you'll be crying for them in your sleep before BHO is done with you.

Obama CIO a confessed petty thief

David Kesterson

Job qualifications

Did he pay taxes on his ill-gotten gains? That's the important question. If he did not, then make him Deputy Secretary of the Treasury.

Authors Guild to Amazon Kindle: Shut up

David Kesterson

and software, too

I feel the same way. Take for instance, software. After I have paid for it I ought to be able to run it on any computer or any several computers and give it to my friends as well. Once a developer has been paid for it once, why do they need any more $. They certainly have no property rights once they have been paid something. Right?

Michael Crichton dead at 66

David Kesterson

Five Patients

Crichton also the author of "Five Patients" a non-fiction account that is documentary of medical care in the US in the late Sixties. "State of Fear" provides an apt description of the ruthlessness employed by anthropogenic global warming fundamentalists, the true believers.

Anti-white-space lobby enlists God, Dolly Parton

David Kesterson

Must be the British spelling

Make that Grand Ole Opry, without the extra e. Glad to excuse you since, as a Brit, you probably never lay abed listening to clear channel 650 WSM radio to hear Ernest Tubb and Loretta Lynn sing.

Obama: McCain can't email, remembers Rubik's Cubes

David Kesterson

McCain and Internet

As reported in the Boston Globe in 2000 by Jacob Weisberg: "McCain gets emotional at the mention of military families needing food stamps or veterans lacking health care. The outrage comes from inside: McCain's severe war injuries prevent him from combing his hair, typing on a keyboard, or tying his shoes. Friends marvel at McCain's encyclopedic knowledge of sports. He's an avid fan - Ted Williams is his hero - but he can't raise his arm above his shoulder to throw a baseball."

What hasn't been reported is Obama's carpal tunnel syndrome, arising from his unceasing production of memoirs.

San Franciscans prep monument to US prez

David Kesterson
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Praise yet to come

Two or three generations hence, when the accounts of terror events interrupted are known and the sturdy courage he displayed in the process is remembered, even against the vicious attacks from the leftists in his own land, Bush's name will praised because he acted as an adult and preserved the nation so long as that was his job.

People in Iraq will remember the stories that their grandparents told them about inky first vote fingers. We in America will wish we had had others like Bush in the White House when the attacks came in later years.

And then someone will say, "Well, we deserved what we got. We voted for them."

Social networks may be imaginary

David Kesterson

The Value of Social Networks

Scrabble, or more specifically Scrabulous!

How ComScore can track your mouse clicks

David Kesterson

Hit job versus drive-by.

Can the credit bureaus target particular people to have ComScore installed on their computer?

Peter Jackson to lord over 'Rings' prequels

David Kesterson

Hurrah for Lotaresco

Prequel? Hardly! Lotaresco is correct - you can check the definition at Wikipedia