* Posts by Andrew

19 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Dec 2007

Flying-rifle robocopter: Hovering sniper backup for US troops

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Just imagine...

...a fleet of ARSS controlled by an AC-130 Spectre/Spooky.

*dreamily reminisces about playing 1942 with both wingmen powered up*

Lockheed offers ready-to-go supersoldier exoskeleton


Forklift of the future

Pretty obvious this thing is being developed to provide the capability to fight alien queens. Where's Ripley when you need her?

Mine's the one with twin shoulder strobes.

Hitler ordered Luftwaffe to spare Blackpool


Everybody loves Blackpool

It wasn't just Hitler, Soviet Russia intended to invade via Blackpool as well. It turns out the Golden Mile is just what's needed for a sea-bourne assault and all those B&B would be ideal for garrisoning the invading soldiers.

Frankly I think they're all welcome to it.

US airforce to launch robotic Space Shuttle 2.0 this year

Black Helicopters

Rods from the Gods

Is that bay big enough for a kinetic payload?

Just a thought.

Sony profits down, but PS3 sales up

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Sony and the PS3

Well, as they make a loss on every PS3 sold let's hope they sell millions of them... but no software.

BT breaks up families

Paris Hilton

Ironic advertising

The new advert is all the more ironic considering the HomeHub's preference for disconnecting at random moments for no good reason.

Used to lose connection two or three times a week until I picked up a second-hand Netgear.

Luckily the HomeHub and HubPhone still sell okay on eBay and BT show no signes of offering me new ones. Keep them coming BT, you're subsidising my phonebill something lovely.

Paris, because she knows irony when she sees it (and thinks it means "made of iiron").

Blu-ray ramp beats DVD up-take in Europe

Black Helicopters

The reality being...

Can we see the graph minus PS3s please?

Black helicopters because it's an obvious conspiracy.

Navy sonar dolphin 'massacre' - the facts

Black Helicopters

Kill all dolphins!

After all, we don't want another Innsmouth-type incident do we?

Lovecraft knew the truth.

Boffin stacks 16 PS3s to simulate black hole collisions


If only...

This sort of thing wouldn't happen if only someone would actually release a decent game for the system.

EU wants RFID tags turned off



So will the RFID tag in my dustbin be deactivated when it leaves the shop?

Let's hope so.

Panasonic preps Wiimote-proof TV



Now we all know what a Joule is, what's a Newton?

A set quantity of apples I'm hoping...

More videogames to face censor scrutiny


Sexual content?

I'm still looking for some sexual content in my games, can anyone point me at some please?

Lara Croft just doesn't push my buttons any more, I blame Channel 5...

Official: Linux buffs lay out more on marital aids than Mac users



"Xbox 360 owners don't appear in Lovehoney's list, so either they're all a very chaste crowd or they have other outlets for their passion..."

Well considering the Xbox 360 doesn't have a web browser it's hardly surprising they don't go looking around sites with it.

PS3 users on the other hand wouldn't have much use of toys for the opposite sex now would they...

Teen-mum flick gets filmgoers hungry for hamburger phone

IT Angle

Give away?

The "Juno Hamburger Phone" was a free gift on Facebook about a month ago, so they've been pushing it by other channels as well.

Driller Killer unleashed on UK public


Lasting appeal?

Having had the dubious pleasure of having seen some of these titles, I can quite honestly say that they would have immediately sunk into obscurity had they not been banned.

Now that they've been brought to the attention of the public again, I have no doubt that they will now be sought out and "enjoyed" by a whole new generation of viewers.

ABC fined $1.43m for NYPD Blue a*se flash



Sounds like a "bum rap" to me.

Lack of training cited in Mojave spaceport blast


Nitrous Oxide eh?

...that's no laughing matter.

Nude Italian models in kit-on protest



Portraits or it didn't happen!

Peter Jackson to lord over 'Rings' prequels

Paris Hilton

Two films?

Perhaps the second film could actually be a proper stab at the Scouring of the Shire from the end of LotR? Here's hoping...

Paris Hilton as Bilbo's love interest maybe?