You live under the erroneous impression that you are somehow superior.
Show me something more than you're impotent claims and meaningless jibes.
<getting my coat>
9 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Dec 2007
The BBC contravene the computer misuse law in the name of education and seemingly walk away scott free.
Forgive me if I'm mistaken but I remember similar instances whereby 'joe bloggs' has attempted similar feats in the name of education for the common good which resulted in jail time.
I thinks its fair to say that a moving car presents a potentially lethal threat. The employee in this case is negligent and thus the royal mail is also negligent .
While the man in question has no real claim for compensation it is fact that he helped bring (to his detriment) a very serious situation under control unless that is of course you find it acceptable that vehicles should be allowed to roll around driverless in public places?
It is my opinion that at the very least the Royal Mail should admit negligence on their part, commend this man for his bravery and for saving their collective asses from a potential law suit and make some form of goodwill gesture.
Long live email