Re: No one else picked up on this?
No I raised an eyebrow at that. While I'm glad it potentially stopped further damage and harm to people, It does suggest some sort of training or preparation has been done for this kind of event.
24 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Dec 2007
"Neither Marmite nor Vegemite and similar products have been banned by the Danish Food And Veterinary Administration. However, fortified foods with added vitamins, minerals or other substances can not be marketed in Denmark unless approved by Danish food authorities."
from the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration
Totality agree. Its just a shame the only way to get UK based support from VM is to ring retentions and tell them your leaving! They soon put you through to someone in the uk.
In fact it is the only way I can get to speak to the techs in Liverpool.
I refuse to upgrade my 20Mb/s with modem to 30/50/100Mbs untill this superhub situation is sorted out. Virgin media could solve the whole situation by:
A) Giving its custormers the option of a modem or superhub
B) Selecting a better network hardware manufacture than netgear (cisco would be good, after all they make the virgin tivo box)
C) Forcing netgear to release a modem only firmware for the superhub
But instead they want us to shut up and put up, if we dont like it we have to cancel the contract.....
"She went to get changed and she stayed for the rest of the festival - but she said she felt paranoid as she thought people would be nasty about the incident.
"It did spoil it a little bit."
"She was a bit distressed when she came home but I told her not to take it to heart and I think she's able to laugh it off now."
"I can't believe how big the story has become. You can even buy 'poo girl' hoodies!"
I mean your bassicly making suggestions to the various government security agencys about buiying skype to introduce a backdoor! Let those bastards do there own job!
We have enough trouble with them and privacy as it is!
I dont use skype but I might now I know they cant easily eves drop! not that I'll ever be of any interest to them.....
"Or alternatively you could just use MSN Skydrive for free" and have Microsoft do it to you instead of BT
Thats the problem with all this 'cloud' computing bs. Once a company decides its not feasible any-more and pulls the plug to your data that has taken you years to accumulate!
On top of this, Our substation earthing cables got nicked a few weeks back, and we where without power from about 5PM to 2AM!!
'EDF representative, Tracey Sparling, said:"Unfortunately EDF Energy had to isolate supplies to several thousand customers in Watford at 6.22pm yesterday because vital earthing equipment was stolen from four 132,000 volt grid transformers."'
Overlooking all of DABs problems, the real issue here is that there is bugger all to listen to!
When I'm in or around London I'm in tune to an fm pirate because they are the only ones who cater to my musical tastes. The commercial radio that makes up 95% of the dab band is utter shite to say the least!
My gut feeling with with taking chip production in house, is that they are going to screw up in a similar way to Microsoft with the original Xbox360 chip sets.
All of this xbox360 red ring of death business is down to the gpu overheating which many believe is down to the cheap, Microsoft-designed gpus.
Apple are a software company not a hardware company just like Microsoft. Chipsets are insanely difficult to perfect and take years of many peoples experience and expertise. You don't see HTC or Sony making there own chips in house and there's a reason for that!
so Apple I think your going to shoot yourself in the foot with this, but saying that I thought the same about the original iphone and its lack of features.....
Dab is a failure beacuse of the
lack of content,
lack of bandwith,
lack of quality.
The only party who can really be blaimed is offcom.
Given a choice between an FM radio and a DAB radio, I would choose FM without a doubt. Why? Beacuse FM has more content I want to listen to (i.e pirates playing music genres that are neglegted my the majority of commercial radio stations) FM has a more robust and rerliable signal when compared with dab (this is more than likley why in car DAB hasnt taken off). FM also has better quality of audio than the bitrates being used my most DAB stations.
If the bbc are serious about saving DAB they need to put pressure on offcom to pull their fingers out and stop using it as away of draining cash out of people........
Get on the phone and threaten to leave and they will beg you to stay and offer you a retentions deal saving you a few quid each month.
Virgin media get a lot of stick, which some of the time is deserved but they are a hell of a lot better than than majority of ADSL providers! and thats in terms of speed, customer service, availability, oh and the fact you dont have to rely on BTs ancient copper line infrastructure!