Another useful feature....
Is that it also controls the Xbox360 on the 'dvd' button on the remote :)
11 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Dec 2007
How much did you pay for your Xbox? If you did pay 400 quid for it, then that is your own fault! The 20 gig models have never been higher than 279.....
As for the interface, I like it. Apart from the fact the old interface was getting cluttered as the marketplace got to popular, there was never much wrong with it, but nice to see work still beign done, and the install option is a god send...
Yes, 20 gig user can only install 1 or 2 games, but how many do you play simultaneously?
The comparison was UNFAIR, as many, including me, don't want or need the extras, so why should I pay for them? If you went to buy a car, and you could only buy one, top spec, would you think that was fine that it came with air con, sat nav, traction control, sunroof, 84 airbags, self drive, leather interior, a set of shiny tea cup holders a caravan and a spare motor mechanic who lived in the boot when you don't actually want them? Of course not! So why should you pay for them!!!
And on the subject of paying for xbox live.. .again... not everyone takes their console online... as proved by MS's own figures... over 17 million consoles sold, with well under half of those paying to access the gold service? So bundling the cost of that into the equation isn't a fair comparison either...
As for the cost, I've had live for the three years I've owned my 360, and it's cost me a total of about 71 quid. That's 46p a week, for what is by most standards, a better online experience than the ps3.
Actually, try comparing the 60gb 360 with the ps3... over a hundred quid less, do I need wifi? Nope... do I want BR... not yet, I'll buy a seperate player when I decide I want one.
To play games on? The 360 is better value, don't include things in the equation which don't need to be there. Just because Sony chose to include extras like Wifi in the ps3, doesn't mean that everyone would use it, or indeed WANT it...
And yes, you CAN play online with the base arcade model. SOME games, no, but most? Yes. And no, you don't need to buy a memory card, YOU GET ONE WITH IT...
Look, PS3 fanboys... feel free to slag off the competition, but at least make a FAIR comparison, and GET YER BLOODY FACTS RIGHT...!
2 years down the line, owning a 360 and a Wii, I am still waiting for a compelling argument for me to shell out nearly 300 quid on a ps3... I will, when either A: I find the above compellign argument or B: they drop below 200 notes. A: might happen soon, b: certianly won't...
Fanboy's at the ready!!
Firstly, @ Liam... if you ignore hard disk size ( as you chose to in your comparison...) then the 360 actually has FEWER models than the ps3... apart from HD size, there is NO functional difference in models. PS3 DS controller...?
Games will NOT be coming out on BR.. fact. It's not needed, and for the relatively tiny user base it will have, not financially viable.
A BR addon is being made simply for those that WANT IT... if it sells for under say, 80 quid, then it is a very cheap way of adding this functionality to the 360...
MS playing catch up? Yeah... right... on line services? 'trophies'...?
Personally I'm not that bothered, I'd more likely get a proper player when one came available, but it bugs the crap out of me when people stick the boot in for no reason that blind support for one company or another... be it Sony, MS, nintendo... Apple... all the bloody same.
If you are going to criticise and slag one off, at least get your facts right...
Has it not occurred to you that if (for example) Sky had a complete monopoly on all sport, then they could simply charge whatever they liked, and consumer be damned?
All that is happening is that the regulator is insisting that sky RE-SELL their programs, not give them away...
ITV don't own a platform, yet you see them doing ok(ish) from simply broadcasting and selling programmes...
Oh, and the comment above about Setanta 'stealing' from sky....I actually spat tea out at that!
Even Paris can see the logic....
The problem here hasn't been addressed...
The fact is that legitimate users are still being punished with an inferior product. If the idea of their DRM was to stop 'casual' copying, ie lending it to a friend, then they could have achieved that by using a simple disc check. The fact is that any user familiar enough with particular sites to find a crack to remove that, will also be able to find the crack to make the existing 'security' completely redundant.
Their extra DRM acheives NOTHING...
Strangely, I'm the opposite...
I've got both, and I'm not popping a zit about the graphics either, just that I've not played my Wii for months now... simply nowt out there that excites me... I don't buy many games, one or two last me months, but I've had orange box and gta4 going for months now, and likely will have for a while yet...
But yes, the 360 lists I believe at 159, so is a little cheaper than the wii over here, and given the recent dollar rises, I can't see a price drop soon, but MS have always been fairly decent with dollar pound prices, so may drop more before Christmas, mind you, I can see them all dropping alittle before Christmas, even Sony, despite insisting they won't....
Did I miss the email about joining the Sony fanclub?
What is it with Sony that brings out the rabid fans? Why must every negative story be slapped down, why must every positive one be hailed as proof of Sony's superiority?
Sony are just a company, that wants your money. Like every other company.
Get over yourselves, please!!
To say competition isn't helping the consumer is correct... as the competition is now. That's because right now, there is no competition. The process is flawed. With each match only available on one platform exclusively, how is that competition? It is BOUND to drive up prices amongst the broadcasters, as they have no incentive to lower prices to the end user... Show each match on competing broadcasters, and leave it to them to decide a price to the end user... THAT'S competition.