I'm with Nick on this...
You could do a fairly good version of the old Gulf racing coulours. or go for the 'stealth' all carbon look, but it's hard to see from the site whether this is actually matte...
7 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Dec 2007
I seem to remember that shortly after the move form B to C there was a reduction in the recorded use of canabis, it was deemed no to be 'cool' enough'.
Whether this meant a move to other 'harder' drugs is another matter. Also the amount of time freed up for police to tackle other more offensive crimes was a real benefit.
So all in all with our boys & girls in blue having to book anyone with a spliff there's ample opportunity for other criminals to get away with...
I'm off out to mug an old lady or two as soon as the change goes through...
Alien, because Brown is obviously from planet "Daily Mail".
I have been using the site site to offload tat, I mean sell of surplus quality items a bit more recently as well as buying bit and pieces too. Ebay has always favoured the seller and this is only them blatantly saying 'caveat emptor' formally.
I had a dispute raised against me by a seller who sent out the invoice with a misspelled email address therefore meaning I couldn't pay them. When it was finally resolved I got a snotty note form ebay saying something along the lines of "Although we have graciously decided not to pemailse you this time we reserve the right to treat you like a fool/criminal in future. Be Pure, Be Vigilant, Behave!" or something.
Will probably try gumtree.com instead!
Did anyone else notice that the 'Data insecurity/ID theft is nonsence' piece was in the Sun, but the retraction was in the Sunday Tims? Am I being a conspiracy theorist?
Also, good choice of chraity, if I ever get on the show I will have to get a t-shirt saying "Thanks for the donation!".
I am one of those affected by this since, even though I am 35 I have taken my theory twice since 09/2004. My favourite comment was in the Guardian Unlimited report this morning;
"Whitehall officials argued that most of the data is available in telephone directories."
Yeah, that's why I am ex-directory and signed up to TPS and MPS... thanks guys!