* Posts by Joe Blogs

8 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Dec 2007

US WMD report: Dirty bombs, chem weapons are bunk

Joe Blogs

Waste of tax payers dollars

How many American citizens have been killed by terrorist attacks in comparison to say obesity, smoking cigarettes, drinking excessively, cancer, car crashes or guns in the hands of stupid people?

Get your damn priorities right and quit wasting time and resources...

I'll take any coat, as i just really don't give a flying fark...

Boss frogmarches bound employee to cop shop

Joe Blogs
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Innocent until proven guilty

... the cheque bounced, what did the employer loose? Nothing.

What should the police charge him with? Attempted theft?

Wouldn't the appropriate action have been to just sack the guy and get on with running your business and making money... rather than wasting time marching some idiot down to the local plod for less than a grand?

Justice shouldn't be served on the spot, fueled by emotion. Every person deserves the right to defend themselves in a court of law in a civilized manner... else whats to stop me from shooting you dead because i *think* your a low life crim that flogged my TV last week?

Do we really want to go back to lynch mobs and witch burning?

Now all that said, if you saw and old lady being mugged in the street, i think it would be morally and legally correct to punch the thief in the face and stand on the bastard till the plod arrive...

ISP boss pledges to undermine Great Aussie Firewall

Joe Blogs
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About time

There was no rational argument in government about this one.

You either supported it or got branded in the media as supporting child pornography.

No one mentioned that it was a parenting issue...

I don't think filtering out 10,000 sites is going to do much to prevent 15 year old kids looking at tits, do you?

North Korea photoshops stroke from Kim Jong Il

Joe Blogs
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And western journalists do the same on a daily basis... is this news or were you stuck for a story?

Data centers embrace The Great Outdoors

Joe Blogs

All fine and dandy until that black inky dust gets in

This sounds like a great idea, until you open the case for regular maintenance and find a nice thick layer of oil coated dust from smog and exhaust fumes found in inner city environments.

These days i keep the window closed firmly...

Privacy watchdog hoists Google by its own petard

Joe Blogs

Storm in a tea cup!

Other people and "security" cameras watch you 24/7 when you are out in public... Part of living in a "modern" society...

You have no right to privacy unless you are in your own home.

You'd have to be daft to leave your curtains wide open while you romp around naked with the mrs...

US customs: Yes, we can seize your laptop, iPod

Joe Blogs

Be a spanner

So before you leave, you load up your HDD with all sorts of disgusting (but legal!) pr0n, rename all the files to suspect names like 'Plan A - Whitehouse.jpg', 'Plan B - New Yolk.jpg', etc.

A nice goatse background and flying vagina mouse cursors for the desktop and use some stegno s/ware to hide the text string "I hope you've enjoyed wasting tax payers dollars!" in every single image. Set the background image to a closeup of goatse and the mouse cursors various flying penis.

Look very nervous as you approach the gates, then kick back and get a good laugh as they waste hours upon hours going through your laptop.

New Jersey scraps death penalty

Joe Blogs

Last Execution in Australia

The last man ever executed in Australia was executed wrongly...