* Posts by Lord Reptor

1 publicly visible post • joined 15 Dec 2007

Dismantling a Religion: The EFF's Faith-Based Internet

Lord Reptor

packet sniffing freaks

I'm on a chunk of Anik F2 out here on my lovely little rock (too deep to swim to when the food runs out, city fools!). My lovely ISP (xplornot), after colluding with my installer either by mistake or a'purpose and installing me on their top-tier without telling me (my credit card melted and mucked up my wallet), proceeded to crank up their new Sandvine box or whatever it is and spoof the piss out of my outgoing.

Now, I'm a sharing kinda guy - but I have no interest in phat pipes. I look for and share unusual stuff that I can't find - not any of this 'prawn' or whatever you limey monkey descendants are on about, but old jazz, rare anime, old tv documentaies from crispy old videotapes in stinky old cabinets - you know. And I don't mind waiting around a bit. A bit. Not forever.

However, not only does my speed not quite match what's advertised (which I didn't actually order, but hey, who needed Christmas money anyway) - i.e. multiple tests averaged 33K up und 893K down on a supposed 2000Kdown/500K up package ($203CDN!!per month!!aaaagggghh!), peaking at 1563K down/88Kup (aaagggghh!), but every and any attempt to make any kind of outgoing network connect to score my smoky old records has been either totally blocked or shaped to the point of unrecognizability.

Intermittently (and sometimes during what should be high congestion times, sometimes not (my tests, by the way, were generally done at 2 in the morning while cursing steadily) things are better, and I get some scraps. In three months, I have uploaded a bit under a gig (on the sharing - I'm not counting surfing requests etc) and gotten about 1.5 gigs back, across several sadly incomplete, lovely, and relatively (to what some of you lot are up to) moral files. Now that I've got onto the plan I did order ($90CDN/mo = 1000Kdown/128Kup), my download tests are a bit worse (avg 634K) and upload unchanged. As is the packet spoofing crap.

The author of this sad slip for the Reg is no doubt aware that the ol' Great Firewall of China is made of similar bricks to the ones in this Wall?

The net is about talking as well as listening. What our ISPs and their buddies have in mind is called TV.

Revolted by the Reg's sad take on the sitch,

Lord R.

PS i2p - go find out.

PPS I don't use a Bittorrent client. No interest. Not much out there I'm after in that particular format. So packet spoofing is certainly not RoundUp for BT. It's more like DDT.