* Posts by Steve

1 publicly visible post • joined 13 Dec 2007

Dismantling a Religion: The EFF's Faith-Based Internet


Wonderful Analogies

I love analogies more than anyone, but I also see that there are times that they don't work. And apparently no one else does.

The Internet doesn't work like 'real life' and any comparison to airlines, Athenian democracy, mom on the phone, apple pie, the Queen and Klingon Honor are going to likely be flawed. Somehow that point of the article got completely missed. That bandwidth isn't the problem, got missed. And people repeat the arguments they've prepared far in advance.

Here's an analogy: The post office puts mail it can't deliver in a 'dead letter' office. Now imagine that it was Animal Control, and they had a 'dead dog' office where they put lost pets! Clearly now with my simple analogy, you can see how evil the post office is! They (almost) literally kill puppies!

And the EFF is content to kick Comcast for almost literally killing puppies instead of working towards any sort of actual meaningful goals. That's the real problem, and that's what the article said... and somehow that point got missed. Maybe the packets with that information got spoofed.