Just OD him then
Just give him 3 or 4 horse tranq's. If that doesn't put him out, shoot him. Idiots.
229 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Dec 2007
There should be a rating system, yes. I'd go with something more universally understood like the BBFC, which blends well with the North American ratings so we're all on the same page. Pegi just seems daft. Really dim. "Hrm, this game has a trillobyte on it. What does that mean? Hello store employee. Do you have a handy chart showing what this little picture means?" versus "Oh, this game says 18+, so no Timmy, you can't have it since you're 12."
And of course it ALL comes down to the parents getting off their asses and doing some damn parenting. "You want this game rated 18+ that's called SimPimp and includes the bonus HookerButcher 5000 game? Sure, just shut up okay."
Most of my add-ons didn't work with 3, but then I started looking for comparable add-ons and found that there were many that were better. Being open-source I can only presume that Little Tommy worked on his mouse gesture add-on for a weekend, released it and never updated again. Maybe he doesn't even use it anymore.
But soon. Once I finish putting together my new gaming rig I'll be throwing Vista on it. I want DX10. I want Readyboost for my page file. I want to put my hardware through the paces.
As for people griping that they can't run it on 5 year old hardware... I don't keep a freaking car for 5 years, why would I keep a doorstop PC/laptop for that long? 3 years, that's a hardware cycle for me.
XP SP2. No need for 3. Tuesdays patches didn't break anything.
As for the Safari problem. Well, it's a mammoth java app, and badly written/designed.
As for why IE autoruns apps. Sure, it shouldn't. However, IE is >part< of the OS. Windows Explorer... essentially IE.
As for blaming the USERS, that won't fix anything. Not prompting is the problem and that's an Apple issue. The autoexecuting is an MS problem. People using Safari... well, that's just a problem.
Part of the plan with Windows 7 (as I understand it) is to strip a ton of legacy support from the OS. Then provide that legacy support in appropriate packs to businesses that require them (and of course pay for the support).
Thus your Win7 install will support 32 and 64 bit software, Vista certified hardware, etc. The old stuff will no longer be supported which is partly what makes the Vista codebase so freakin' huge.
As for *nix, when it can support all of my games without requiring a Windows Emulator, I'll consider looking at it.
"That may not be news, but this is. "Gay" is NOT an offensive word. Welcome to the 21st century, Microsoft may enter it soon, too."
Really? Then why is it part of so many insults? If it's not offensive, it can't offend. Hrm...
As for why it was done. Policy. That's all. Nothing special. No conspiracy. That's it.
Tux, because if you use it you're gay. (Which as proven by Rob is not offensive in any way).
"What is there on earth that is worth fighting for? "
Why, Paris of course. An advanced alien race would have already purged their vapid, talentless media whores that are popular for no other reason than they ARE vapid, talentless media whores. Now they realize they actually NEED such people just to distract their non-ruling class from the real issues at hand.
From the whitepapers it doesn't look like XPSP3 actually adds value or fixes anything so I'll be giving it a skip anyway.
As a bit of a snide aside to those on dial-up: Why bother patching anyway? You can barely get online to warrant it. The year is 2008. Please come into the present from the 90's.
As another aside to you Linux freaks: I use my main machine for games. When you can run new games without using a 3rd party program to emulate what I have natively, we can speak again. For now, your mom's calling you. Back into your basement with your Cheetos.
The stickers said "Vista Capable". So Vista Home Basic with Aero off is all that the machine is required to run.
Damn litigious society that can't take any responsibility for itself.
We have labels on motor oil saying "do not drink" because of lawsuits like this.
Paris, because doesn't take responsibility either.
The most recent date quoted is 2011.
Just in case I think I'll start the hoarding now and then trade my stocks of potable water, food and other necessities at highly inflated values.
C'mon man, your hawt wife/daughter for some water, porn and food... heck throw in both and I'll add medicine to the batch.
Paris, because she's used to being bartered for.
The very fact that it (Phormware) attempts to apply targeted adverts to you - a specific user - means that it MUST have some way of telling you apart from the rest of the people. It knows what kind of sites you visit, because it assists in targeting ads about that subject matter directly to you.
Presume I'm Phorm... before beating me over the head with a heavy and pointy object, realize that I "allegedly" know nothing about you. Just a cookie of some-such. This cookie allows me to check your browsing history - well, the cookies history, I don't know you - and send adverts your way based on that history. So somewhere, there's a table that references that cookie and relates it to a browsing history, etc. So... Phorm can very much identify you, but only as a cookie. However, that's still an identifiable item that is specific to ONE computer, and can be checked for online. A cookie is a marker. One that relates to tracking your online activity is a dangerous invasion of privacy.
Let's presume I'm a retarded cabbage and actually stick with an ISP that shoves this down my throat without joining a class action suit against them. Presume.
So this magic cookie that is the basis of my having opted out of the Pharm scam... Where is it? It can't be on MY PC. Well, it could be I suppose, but what happens when I run my small suite of anti-malware/virus/adware and optimization tools which routinely delete all cookies (with my blessing)? Does this magic cookie go away? Am I now opted in by default? Do I need to go opt out after every system cleansing?
I call shenanigans. Boo-urns.
So, no browser bundled with Windows. How exactly would one go and download their preferred browser then?
Hrm. Sounds more like Opera (hate it btw), is just griping because they can't compete. MSIE, Firefox and Safari own the market. Period. And aside from Firefox, the browser comes as part of the OS install. You can then choose to use whatever you want, but it's there as a default.