Word 07
I blame their in house techs for not configuring the default to save in a 2000-2003 format. Can the one that was in charge of the migration. It's freaking Office for crying out loud.
229 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Dec 2007
Someone needs to find this asshat in Reno and beat his ass.
Work laptop, from cold boot to login prompt: 1 minute. That's with only 2 gig of RAM.
Home gaming rig, from cold boot to login prompt: 20-30 seconds.
I think the companies are running underpowered machines, likely have a shit network and are screwing the employees. It's NOT Vista. If the machine can't run it, why the fsck is it on there?
It's still shite, lacking basic functionality like copying cell, column or row background or text color when sorting. Instead you have to use the advanced sort menu/screen. Fuck me. *highlight area, click A-Z, it works!* How hard is that you cheeto munching open source ass-hats!
It sets a precedent for when governments attempt to dip into virtual earnings for tax purposes. The US (shocking no?) has already made rumblings about wanting to do this.
By allowing these items to have 'value' that 'value' can then be taxed as income... allegedly.
Oi. When will the Stupid stop?
"Don't like it? Then go to another online retailer or pay twice the price on the high street!"
Or just pirate it.
You'd think businesses would learn. If the majority of your target audience hates something you do, don't do it.
Thanks go to StarDock, Direct2Drive, and Valve. Also to all those games companies that don't include DRM in their software.
...is this ass? I thought he was an illusionist. It's not an "illusion" to do any of the dumbass stunts he's been doing. Granted, it's an illusion that he's any good at anything other than being a media whore the likes of which make Paris seem like Mother Theresa.
Maybe he should try to survive 10 days inside a sensory deprivation tank. During those 10 days I suggest we encase it in concrete and bury it.
Paris, because even she feels sorry for him.
The Chrome update actually does require you to close and restart Chrome (because it doesn't integrate with the OS that doesn't need to be restarted).
If they have an update, tell me there's an update, provide a link to details regarding said update and ask me if I want to download and install it.
Bad form Goog, bad form.
As long as Chrome remains crippleware, and requires users to drastically change how they operate, it will not make mainstream like Firefox did. IE still controls the market because it's just there. No download or tweaking required (unless you have an IQ above that of a cabbage), click the "e" and browse.
So... I follow a link, don't open a new tab... can I go back? It dumped the entire previous process and started a new one, so how could it? Unless it DOES keep a relationship or a listing or something.
I'll give it a shot when it drops. Though my tweaked Firefox does everything I want better than any other browser I've tried.
While I would still expect that to be encrypted, I would also expect that certain staff would be able to see it while checking your account. How else would they verify you are who you say you are over the phone? A common keyword is "Your mother's maiden name".
It would explain how they were able to track down the single offending employee quickly. There would be logs about who accessed the users account for keyword verification or changes.