Aaaaand, it's dead.
Replacing one of the main cast members is certain death.
229 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Dec 2007
The only concern with XP mode is that it requires a virtualization capable processor (toss that old kit you twits), and that virtualization has to be enabled (and don't buy Sony).
So provided companies actually involve their IT departments... wait, strike that. As long as companies actually involve their IT techs in the decision making process they'll be fine.
Drivers are not Microsofts issue. It's a vendor issue. If your %thingy% doesn't work in Win7 because of drivers then your vendor didn't bother to write them and get them approved for inclusion. Or even bother to write them for a separate download for that matter.
Web dev's made "standards" that weren't supported by the de-facto Standard Browser for the vast majority of the world at the time. That's a lot like me making an accelerator pedal for all cars and all the big automotive companies calling it the new standard, though it only fits and works in an obscure soviet produced model only sold in a country that no longer exists.
I didn't uninstall my previous version and saw something flash by really quick about upgading. No faster, all my add-ons still work. The only change I can see is that the version number incremented.
I might try an uninstall/reinstall on one of my home boxes to see if that makes a difference.
Why people continue to support such an overpriced, OCD, anal retentive, closed, customer belittling, incompatible company I will never know. I've never seen any benefit from Apple. Ever. I've seen their malware, their flashy, overpriced hardware, and their "I shit on your face peasant" customer service though.
Apple. Fuck you.
Strip DRM from legit sources. Provide fair value for dollar exchanges. Remove the pointless middle-man. An artist can distribute directly to their consumer without the need for Record Companies or Film Studios.
The industry has been dying for years, they just refuse to fall over.
I hope the appeal is heard someone with a little common sense.
I think Opera's just pissed because it sucks and sees the end of the road in its near future.
On another note: "On a closing sarcastic comment, I think it's dreadful that Ubuntu comes with Firefox by default..."
Oh noes! They're using their dominant position within the consumer open source OS community to unfairly force users into using FF.
I await the day that MS falls into full compliance with the frivolous lawsuits and ships the EU a version inf Windows with no web browser bundled. Go download your prefe....oh. Damn.
[If only there had been some sort of authority to look over the boy. Perhaps someone with the wisdom of age from who's loins he could have sprung, then raised him for 15 years, brought the computer, and payed for his WoW account every month].
QFT. Fucking lazy parents that don't give enough of a shit about their kids to TALK to them or regulate them. Rules and boundaries are good for people you frelling loonies!
Ahem. I digress.
For those still wondering, Lester means Coward And A Fool (CAAF). However:
Acronym Definition
CAAF Children Affected by AIDS Foundation (since 1993; Los Angeles, California)
CAAF US Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces
CAAF Chapel Allerton Arts Festival (Leeds, England)
CAAF Cairns Army Airfield (Fort Rucker, AL)
CAAF Cockfighting Across America Foundation (homor; Jim Rome Show)
As for USA I'll point here: http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/USA
Why should the BBC play with the ISP's? Work a sweet deal with on or two ISP's and simply do not service the others. "They charge too much to deliver out service at a reasonable speed." Simple cop-out.
This will not create innovation, it will create back-room deals and further segregate the haves and have nots in relation to broadband performance.
Mac OSX and Safari are less tied because they both have a crappy market share. Thus nobody can really complain.
I can't wait for the first batch of machines to hit the EU with NO browser installed.
"How do I get the one I like?"
"Go on the internet and download it."
"Uhm... HOW exactly?"
"Oh yeah..."
Yup. Just run this windows emulator (with a subscription) on your happy-go-lucky OS... missing options, not fully supported, can't correctly detect hardware, etc. OR just install windows and everything automagically works correctly.
Vista 32 Business at work: no issues at all.
Vista 64 Ultimate at home (licensed): no issues at all.
Same goes back to XP, no issues.
2000? No issues.
98SE? No issues.
95? No issues.
DOS? No issues.
Tweak a bit sure. Just don't fuck with what's under the hood and it runs quite happily on what it's supposed to and does what it's supposed to.
My home Vista install was 15 minutes from boot to install media to desktop login, and everything WORKED.