* Posts by Bill Gould

229 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Dec 2007


eBay invites mystic wrath over ban on spells, potions and lotions

Bill Gould


eBay? I vaguely recall the name from back in the late 90's. Neat. They're still around.

Watch out, PC disk drive floggers: Cloud will rust up those spinners

Bill Gould

Can't tell if serious...

...Or if article was written as joke.

I'm not even going to bother to point out the glaring errors in the though process, as several other have already done. I just can't believe that this article was written by a technical person rather than a market-droid.

Microsoft: Gmail rival Outlook.com will 'look good on your iPad' 

Bill Gould


I might use it once I can import my existing gmail mailbox and calendars.

Gabe Newell: Windows 8 is a 'catastrophe' for PC biz

Bill Gould


If they can get Steam and all of the associated games running natively (ie: no emulator) running on *nix I'll happily make the change. Until then Win is... win.

Ten... freeware gems for new PCs

Bill Gould


I used to use Avast but I've moved to Clam for myself. Most users will be fine with Microsoft Security Essentials. If you're only dealing with .zip file then Windows handles them natively, same for burning. NVidia actually cleans up it's driver refuse if you choose a clean install now which removed my need/desire for CCCleaner. VLC: damn good. Open Office...? Still no. I use MS Office myself but I've used Google Docs quite a bit and it's better than Open Office.

Still, a good list. Gets people thinking about and looking for alternatives.

RIM to exit the consumer phone market

Bill Gould


All of those teens that love their Blackberry phones now will shortly be the ones running the corporate world and taking the place of the people RIM can't seem to appeal to. Short sighted decision really.

Flash DOOMED to drive itself off a cliff - boffins

Bill Gould

Hybrid SSD

There are already a few being done as PoC or research but a hybrid that correctly places traffic/data into the correct medium is a decent stop-gap. At least until they figure out quantum storage or magnetic field storage.

Canadians revolt over draconian internet privacy bill

Bill Gould

Maple Leaf Act

It's taken us longer than the normal 5 years to follow the US and adopt a Homeland Security Act of our own. I am surprised. I guess I'll just use an ISP that allows me to encrypt all traffic.

Arctic freshening not due to ice melt after all, says NASA

Bill Gould

So not hippies?

Greenpeaceniks? Doom-n-Gloomians? Friends Without Benefits? Nah, hippies works when you're also dealing with those damn pinko commies.

Lord British: Games consoles 'fundamentally doomed'

Bill Gould


Gariott!? By whom? He has yet to do anything since Ultima that actually succeeds.

I've never owned a console after my 1st one went largely unused unless I had folks over to play on it. Now when people visit we don't play games... well... online via wireless sometimes... but still!

For gaming a PC just can't be beat.

Beware of Macs in enterprise, security consultants say

Bill Gould

To be fair...

...people are stupid. If there's any possible way for a user to fsck up their machine, no matter the OS, they will. That extends to malware, viruses, trojans, etc being installed.

12% of UK don't carry cash

Bill Gould


I haven't carried cash over here in the colonies for years. It used to be bank debit card (cash directly from my account), but as more and more vendors accept it I've been using my credit card for everything. Coffee for $1.25? Credit card.

My credit card company uses PayPass which is the name of their NFT system, but I can still use the chip even if the vendor doesn't support NFT yet.

To me, cash died in the 90's.

Researchers poke gaping holes in Google Chrome OS

Bill Gould


Excellent question actually. I had thought that the Goog security model was to give everything its own sandbox so nothing shares.

BOFH: Axe handles - occasionally quite slippery

Bill Gould

What's this then?

Looks a bit like continuity in the story line... Nice.

AMD gets in Intel's grille with desktop Fusion rollout

Bill Gould

Just one question

Have they been working with the major studios for compatibility? I still play one large MMO that only recently got a bit of ATI support.

"We win! ... Please support us... we have cookies..."

Barnes & Noble answers Microsoft's anti-Android suit

Bill Gould
Gates Halo

If they're so inconsequential...

"Microsoft has asserted patents that extend only to arbitrary, outmoded, or non-essential design features..."

Then stop infringing. Do things a different way that won't cost you licensing fees.

Third party developers blamed for Windows security woes

Bill Gould
Gates Halo

Not to toot...

Own horn and all that. I use Secunia's PSI application on a couple of my machines and love it. It's CSI offering is under consideration at work as well for patch management.

Re: the actual topic though, poorly written 3rd party drivers cause the vast majority of Windows crashes. So of course 3rd party vulns account for the majority of the required patches.

iPad to lose weight, gain eye

Bill Gould
Thumb Up

Not for me...

I've been watching the Playbook with anticipation though. BES integration, I have to carry a phone as well so I might as well use it for my pads 3G, not Apple... ;) I'm curious to see if RIM can take back some of the corporate market that went silly for the iPad.


Bill Gould
Thumb Down

Maybe he can explain

Why I prefer red headed ladies with smaller boobs and green eyes?

Perhaps I'm the exception that proves the rule.

Opera 11 goes beta with extensions, stacked tabs

Bill Gould

Now if they'd

Just offer a browser only I might give it a try again. Just a browser. None of this email client and toaster oven and whatever other bullshit they're trying to integrate into it. Just a browser.

Vodafone warns investors of rival spoilers

Bill Gould
Thumb Down


Bell, (at least in most of North America) owns the copper. Why can't they offer actual unlimited data or actual unlimited internet of throughputX? They don't because they want more money. Fair enough, but they CAN do it.

US may disable all in-car mobile phones

Bill Gould

Oh well then why not...

...use their tech to put fucking phone functionality INTO every damn car so I don't have to hack their scrambler to disable it.

MS hits back in Security Essentials row

Bill Gould
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Pay for Protection

It's a racket. Always has been, just ask the Mafia.

I'd rather have every PC without antivirus installed get SE pushed onto it. If the other companies products are so awesome and great the user would have already installed it. If they don't know how, or that they need one, then one needs to be PUT on there for them.

Jobs savages 7-inch tablet competition

Bill Gould


" And this results in an incredible product at a great price."



Opera: Can someone free Korea from IE?

Bill Gould
Thumb Down

Ah, but the real idea is retention

" In the two weeks following the roll-out of the ballot, Opera saw downloads more than double."

Very nice. How many are still using it though? I've downloaded it 3 or 4 times now. Never stuck with it more than a week before it drove me bat-shit crazy.

RIM gets another Indian reprieve

Bill Gould

Why go to RIM

If RIM will provide access the emails funneled through their BES's, just go to the companies with BES's and ask for lawful intercept access to those as well.

Goldman downgrades Microsoft stock to 'neutral'

Bill Gould

People still listen to these old farts?

Goldman Sachs was one of those offered bail-out cash because of poor fiscal responsibility and lack of view. They took around $12B USD and then STILL had the gall to hand out bonuses to top execs. You can trust them about as much as you can trust FOX News.

Moms stand firm against antenna madness

Bill Gould

Also remove

Land line coverage. Seriously. Let this little burb of luddites fade into obscurity when nobody opens a business there or choses to live there once they're of an age to leave.

Jailbreak hole in iOS 4.1 will be hard to close

Bill Gould
Thumb Up

Legal yes, and also required

In Canukistan here, I can go into any cellular store buy any phone (on a contract or not) and request that they unlock it for me. They're required by law to do so. Love it.

Oz school in homosexual kookaburra rumpus

Bill Gould

Step off...

I think Crusader Hillis needs to chill a bit. Why use a word if it can be misconstrued as some form of slur? The teacher didn't change it because 'Oh gays are backwards and wrong and are all going to hell.' It was due to the typical response of kids everywhere to laugh at some words until they grow up... maybe they still laugh then. Ha! Dick jokes.

Anyway, calm down rump-ranger. Nobody's trying to keep you down. Well maybe Mister Master, but that's what you pay him for.

Jobs moves to the heavens with Apple TV

Bill Gould

You still suck, Apple

If I pay for something I WANT that something. I don't want to pay (guessing) $1.99 for a movie rental every time I want to watch it. After a couple of views I should have just bought it. Digital delivery is a good thing. Digital delivery followed by digital take-backs is not.

How does this work for TV anyway? Do I rent by the episode? By the season? Ten eps for a fiver?

Damn! Internet's down. Guess I'll watch some TV or movies... oh wait.. shit.

Energizer bunny hits iPhone, BlackBerry - wirelessly

Bill Gould


I'm really just waiting for all household surfaces to be inductive so I can live the dream of the future where everything is always charged and there are no wires anywhere in the universe.

I can see this thing being useful once more devices are compatible and I have more than 1 or 2 devices. Curve? Check. Uhm... that's it.

Cleveland residents get RFID-equipped recycling

Bill Gould
Thumb Down

Place the RFID tag...

...on a pole or other common item that is semi-permanent and within range to be 'counted'

Windows 7 SP1 'beta' leaks, hits torrents

Bill Gould

And waste more money...

...on another pointless lawsuit? If there's a 3rd party already making a living doing it, MS can't add it without buying said companies or licensing the same tech you install.

I'd love them (MS) to integrate a ton of features and put these piss-ant little companies out of business. But then along come the money grubbing sue-monkeys and mounting an ISO end up costing MS 350 million bucks before fees, etc. All from companies that haven't even made 20 million on their own.

Bill Gould
Gates Halo


...drivers are generally written by incompetent programmers.

Oklahoma granny sues cops over tasering

Bill Gould

A proper cop before all the namby-pamby...

...touchy-feely bullshit would have instead drawn his gun. Granted they're not allowed to do that now. So they overuse the taser. Can't fault them really. You pull a weapon, regardless of intended use, on a cop expect to be shocked.

The Reg guide to Linux, part 1: Picking a distro

Bill Gould

Perfect example of why it's not mainstream ready.

Title says it all really. Still decades behind the times. When we're all using Minority Report style interfaces Linux will still require some archaic tactile keyboard or something.

Flash bursts onto Android

Bill Gould

"freedom of choice that iTunes gives"


Oh god. Thanks, I needed a laugh like that. Oh sweet buttery jeebus. Too much... hehe. Thanks again.

Mozilla's next Thunderbird gives Gmailers hope

Bill Gould
Gates Halo

Sorry, I'll take cross program integration

Office (2010 now) for me. Tried Thunderbird with the Lightning add-on (albeit a couple of versions ago): garbage.

Facebook convenes privacy 'crisis' meeting

Bill Gould

Yay for Canada

I went to the EFF site and checked how to turn off the auto-personalization. Turns out it wasn't enabled. Just like the last big FB privacy scare. Then again maybe it's because I never had just the default settings on. I always restricted what was available to people, including friends.

Javascript guru calls for webwide IE6 boycott

Bill Gould

Not happening

He can say what he wants. True or not, businesses can't just stop using it. Critical line of business apps were created for IE6.

How would you like to go to you insurance company or bank and be told "Well we've updated to <insert favourite browser here>, but we can't see your account information anymore. Just to be safe we've suspended your account."

Is IE6 bad? Yes. Should people update? Yes. Can the majority of users update and still be able to work? No.

Microsoft drops second IE9 preview

Bill Gould


" Why can't they just develop a browser which meets standards?"

Those with the biggest market share make the standards. Business 101.

Applesoft, Ogg, and the future of web video

Bill Gould

Money drives the world

Someone will always be making money off something if that something becomes big enough. Always.

Lost iPhone 4G vendor loaner outed

Bill Gould


Don't let your fscking prototypes out the labs. Sheesh! Can't install anything but 'approved appleware' on the device, but apparently you can just pocket it and walk off the campus.

Ubuntu's Lucid Lynx stalks PC and Mac converts

Bill Gould
Gates Halo

Nope. Like Mac's it's non-functional for me

I game. Thus, I use Windows 7. Microsoft is the only supporter in town and honestly, they do it damn well. Don't throw an emulator or WINE into the mix, they suck, plain and simple.

Office looks good and integrates all the products with each other neatly and conveniently. It's better than pretty much any other 'office' suite I've tried.

I have Ubuntu 9.10 running in a VM on my laptop just for kicks, but I don't actually DO anything with it other than browse the web.

Ten free apps to install on every new PC

Bill Gould


iTunes? No thanks. Never. Ever.

MSSE? Just use Avast or Avira or $yourfreeAVchoice.

Skype? Okay, it's not bad. Not even close to necessary though.

OOoOOoOOO or whatever the hell they're calling it now... eat me. Never putting that piece of shit anywhere near a computer again. Long story. Many flaws. Not usable.

Steve Jobs snuffs App-Store-for-Mac rumor

Bill Gould


"Quite apart from anything else, trying to lock down OSX to an app store after it's been on the market for so long *and* already has a reasonably large software base is likely to be pretty much impossible, especially as anyone really huffed could just load another OS on the machine and walk away."

You'll take what they give you and be glad to pay them.

Wii Fit fall woman turns into nympho

Bill Gould

A title goes here

Pics or it'll never happen.

Offline Google Docs disappear on May 3

Bill Gould


They'd previously announced that they were discontinuing Gears and no longer supporting it. It's a good thing their motto "Don't be evil" is still just in Beta.

Opera alerts EU to hidden Windows browser-ballot

Bill Gould

When will Opera shut the fsck up?

Seriously. Nobody cares. Go die in a fire Opera. On a boat. Yes, a fire on a boat. Go die.
