* Posts by Jan

7 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Dec 2007

Fasthosts primes another password reset

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Paid Nominet

Just had to pay £11.75 to Nominet to move my domain name away from Fasthosts so...

That is £120 down the drain for an exchange box I took out with Fasthosts in the Sept/October.

£11.75 to Nominet to move my domain name

£60 to open a new exchange mailbox account with another ISP

Plus all my calls to Fasthosts 0870 premium number

The cost of my wasted and stressful time

I personally think if anyone stays with Fasthosts, let alone opens a new account with them, that they are insane after this mess.


I think it is time we all started calling the Police & Credit Card companies

This is the LUDICROUS email I get back from fasthosts automated support line.

'Thank you for submitting your support request to Fasthosts. We will deal with it as quickly as possible. If your request relates to your control panel password we are pleased to be able to tell you that we have been able to turn on the password reminder facility for all Fasthosts accounts and that you can now have this password sent to you via the email address associated with your Fasthosts account. You can take advantage of this feature by visiting https://www.fasthosts.co.uk/login/forgotten-login/ We would like to thank you for your understanding and for your cooperation with us in completing the important task of updating your Fasthosts passwords. Kind regards, Customer ServicesFasthosts Internet Ltd.'

In other words they will send you a password to your account email but as THEY have CHANGED the password you cannot access your account email to view the new password.

Gee, this is so fundamental. Didn't they think this one through. What a complete cock-up!


This is incredible

I still have no way of contacting this company.

I cannot get through on the telephone.

I get my emails bounced back because I do not have a PIN which I can only access via my fasthosts account but I cannot access that because the stupid sods went and changed my password.

I still have not received a letter, a text, an email - NOTHING - from them and hence my business, which relies on email, is now unable to send or receive any email.

This is scandalous and I am going to sue this company to get my money back and to get compensation for my wasted time.

I cannot even transfer my domain name away from them because I am unable to get through to them.

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Almost midnight and still around position 50 in their queue!

Just rang up and was at position 59 again... odd how it is always position 59 when you get through.... at 10 to midnight... Waited about 5 minutes to get to 53 so at this rate on a premium 0870 number I should get seen about 3AM in the morning after having run up a huge phone bill.

What a, IMPO, Mickey Mouse operation. I would like to hear more about Ivor's Summons option compared to issuing a writ in the small claims court! This has cost me a great deal of time, hassle, money and stress today!


Can't believe this

Finally got past the engaged - about 9.15 PM Dec 13th - tone on their 24 hour helpline, was number 59 in the queue, 15 minutes later I was number 49 and seemingly stuck there.

They kept playing an automated message saying that you could request a new password from their web page by typing in your username. How idiotic is this because if you do request a new password from their website it goes to your fasthost email address which, as your email client does not yet have the new password in the account settings, you cannot pick up the email with the new password in.

How sodding stupid is that? I mean, did they not stop and think that one through? You have to be incredibly stupid not to figure that one out.

Anyhow, gave up after hanging on their helpline for 15 minutes waiting to go up to 48, 47. It will be hours yet.

I am definitely taking them to the small claims court to get my money back.

I work in IT and several years ago we did an email address change for several thousand users at a big UK corporate. We spent weeks, literally weekes, with excellent IT contractors going through the detail time and time again... and again and again... working out the pros and the cons, the rollback options... what happens if this happens or that happens... we planned for every possible option and every option that could go wrong.... and then we tested it out on a handful... and then a handful more until we were certain and then we did the change over in stages verifying everything along the way.... the way that professional IT professionals do this kind of thing....

Not impressed with fashosts at all. I cannot believe they are still in business after this. Again, I have received no letter, no email, no text, nothing from them warning me of a password change! NOTHING! And now I am locked out of a service that I, in good faith, paid 12 months in dvance for. I want my money back and I loss of earnings also! I think the small claims court will understand why I feel justified in this.

Incredible that on the 13th they decide to change my password also - the 13th! I wonder how many hundreds, thousands are in the same boat as myself!


Will leave ASAP

I foolishly paid 12 months in advance for an exchange box with them. Today, I cannot log onto either my email nor access my fasthosts accounts with them.

I have tried telephoning them all day but the line is constantly engaged.

I have tried emailing them but my emails are rejected automatically because I am not including my account PIN in my email which I can get when I access my fasthosts account... but as I can't access fasthosts account to begin with I now have NO way of contacting them apart from getting in my car and driving up to their offices and screaming blue murder.

As for this PIN, well, I have never heard of having a PIN, have not been sent a PIN in any email nor in the Post. Worse, I have just done a google and discovered that fasthosts are resetting passwords left, right and centre after a major security breach... and customers are fuming! Apparently they have sent out new passwords in the Post to people... but not to me they haven't! What a BIG disaster!!! I cannot believe how such a cock-up can be achieved!

Each time I call their 0870 number I am being charged to listen to an engaged tone. I am wasting time ringing them up and I have no emails that I rely on as a business.

IMPO, what a wank company! Avoid IMPO!

Fasthosts customers still frozen out of websites

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Not the only one claiming David

David, you will not be the only one taking action.

I received no email, no letter, nothing to inform me of what is going on and if it was not for The Register and Google I would have known nothing about this. I have already wasted a great deal of money on their 0870 premium number plus, of course, my time.

I am locked out of my email which I rely on for my business. I will be moving my domain name and exchange box - hope that is possible - to another provider on Monday and writing to fasthosts asking for a refund of the 12 months I paid up front back in the Autumn. If I do not get a refund and confirmation that my credit details are not longer with them I will pursue a claim through the small claims court.

I currently have no access to my email and no means of getting in touch with them as I cannot even send an email as their automated email system bounces all emails back if you cannot access a PIN - I did not even know I had a PIN - through my Account but I cannot get into my account because they have changed the password without telling me.