Wow Sky net gets real
Just think about it, every one is connected some how. It was land lines and cable but now we can use our computers to connect to every thing from our phones to personal sites like facebook, my space. You can find a date, a partner or a fling on line and it is cataloged and saved for as long as the provider wants.
We outsource most if not all of our data; even if it gives the company/ nation all of our personal and nations secure data. This lends it self to be used by others and saved on a vast computer cloud that is controlled by who?
Google thinks they have the great software as a cloud deal ready to go, but M$ is also doing the same thing. But this will cost more and let both keep track and charge you for every thing you do.
If you keep track of new technology or who on your network is looking at things that are not approved the cloud company also knows about it.
Now if they do not approve of what is going on they can stop your company's access until you fix/fire the employee for the access to the bad site.
This is only a sample of what a company can expect if they join a cloud computer