* Posts by sidney cook

14 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Mar 2007

Men allegedly broke into computers of former employer

sidney cook

Oh come on!

They should fire the whole security staff and the PFY of all. Ok maybe they did not get around to disabling their accounts for a few days, but two years latter? All companys that I have worked for disable or delete the account of any one leaving that day.

Any other log in should be known by the system operator and security. They dont monitor remote log in's and use VPN to get into their systems?


Microsoft protest organizer returns to code

sidney cook
Gates Horns

Fast food

Sounds like some MS black operatives got to him. And told him to be quiet or he would be flipping burgers for minimum wage and we will out source your job to a fourth world country where we pay in chickens.

Don’t mess with the softies at M$!

Virgin Galactic leases itself a spaceport

sidney cook
Thumb Up

Built by the lowest bidder

This is from Rock hound in the movie Armageddon

"You know we're sitting on four million pounds of fuel, one nuclear weapon and a thing that has 270,000 moving parts built by the lowest bidder. Makes you feel good, doesn't it? "

The Virgin project is built with high bidders and the newest equipment not twenty five years old technology.

It is about time we as a people start going in to space with out the government. This is just another science fiction book coming true.

We need a smart idea icon.

2009 - Thomas the Tank's journey to IT Hell

sidney cook
Jobs Horns

Wow Sky net gets real

Just think about it, every one is connected some how. It was land lines and cable but now we can use our computers to connect to every thing from our phones to personal sites like facebook, my space. You can find a date, a partner or a fling on line and it is cataloged and saved for as long as the provider wants.

We outsource most if not all of our data; even if it gives the company/ nation all of our personal and nations secure data. This lends it self to be used by others and saved on a vast computer cloud that is controlled by who?

Google thinks they have the great software as a cloud deal ready to go, but M$ is also doing the same thing. But this will cost more and let both keep track and charge you for every thing you do.

If you keep track of new technology or who on your network is looking at things that are not approved the cloud company also knows about it.

Now if they do not approve of what is going on they can stop your company's access until you fix/fire the employee for the access to the bad site.

This is only a sample of what a company can expect if they join a cloud computer

Citibank, RBS and JP Morgan wield gilt edged axe

sidney cook


And what are the company’s leaders cutting back on? No bonuses, no perks I don’t think so.

How much are they paid a year and if their companies are failing why do they keep getting more money? They should be the first to take pay cuts and loose all their perks.

But wait I work for a living I don’t know enough to say what they should do. At least that is what the COO of my company says.

Hubble back in full snapping mode

sidney cook

One galaxy penetrating through another

I always smoke after penetrating a galaxy, but was there foreplay?

eBay: don't come on our US site without protection

sidney cook
Thumb Down


They have to be losing money; people have been leaving in droves since they started this crap. I have not bought any thing from them is a year, why should I when there are other auction sites that do not charge half as much and you can pay how ever you want.

I also buy from Amazon because their prices are great and you can buy used stuff even cheaper.

Ex-Verizon techie cuffed for 5,000 'chat' line calls

sidney cook

Joseph R. Vaccarelli, 45, of Nutley, New Jersey

I can not belive you missed this Nutley, New Jersey. Well he was getting his Nutleys off.

Sorry I had to say it.

Cyber B52 strikes mooted as response to Chinese infowar

sidney cook

Info war

We don’t need any other country to do this! We do just fine on our own, just look at how much information has been lost by the US, OZ and a bunch of other countries. By just giving it out, no encryption, no pass word protection and sent by carrier with out protection.

We use Windows that is inherently insecure with known bugs and most of us do not apply patches because we wait to see what the patches will do to the O/S.

This lets the bad guys use the problem with the O/S because we wait to see what problems come from the patch.

It seems to me that the main problem is the O/S that we use and how we accept the standards they use.

If it has bugs we need to find them and let them know, and if they think it is bad enough they might fix it. And if they do we need to see if it breaks something else.

What is wrong with this picture?

MySpace fraudster indicted in teen's suicide

sidney cook

On line too much

After seeing pictures of her in a younger happier time and then seeing the same girl looking sad, a lot heaver but still smiling. I can only think that there was allot more going on in her life before this happened.

Young people no longer spend much time in public and do not become hardened to real life as we did. They look to email, MySpace, Facebook and other sites to experience life and take every thing there at face value.

I have told my son and his friends not to believe any thing they read, see or are told on these sites and as the parents of this poor girl should have told her. Why were they not watching what see does on the internet?

Privacy breach nuked in Canadian passport site

sidney cook
IT Angle

That hack has been

Around for a long time. You go to an interesting web site and look at the address bar and notice that it is four or five dep in to the site. So you start removing each link from the address to see where it takes you. And allot of sites just let you in to the previous area with no problem.

I have had some interesting finds on .gov and .edu sites and the other sites I like to go to.

CERN BOFH needs a bigger storage array

sidney cook

Processing this data requires the power of around 100,000 desktop CPUs

They need to buy a botnet, some are more then a million pc's. And you can get them for alot less money.

Souvenir coin sparked nano spy alert

sidney cook

Tin foil hats

It is alien technology and they are watching and listing to every thing you are doing! Dr. Who knows about this and is instructing every one to put the coins in the microwave for five minutes.

Bush team takes heat over global warming science

sidney cook

But but our government

Will never lie to us! The earth is fine, the war on terror is going great and they did not fire all those lawyers because they were finding bad stuff on the republicans. Right right, uh oh I think I see a black van out side. I got to run uh I mean log off now.