* Posts by Luke

8 publicly visible posts • joined 1 May 2008

VMware's vSphere enters real world, early!

Gates Horns

Licensing vFucked

I am a VCP an vProud. However when logging into the portal today to download the product I found that they have not yet completed the license upgrades so I can't download vSphere Centre awesome server.. vPissed.

Better the devil you don't know, VMware rocks!

BT names first 29 exchanges for fibre rollout

Paris Hilton

Office of the chairman

Big fucking surprise North Yorkshire wasn't given FUCKALL again. We live by the sea between Whitby and Scarborough and routinely get fuckall from anyone.

I wrote to the secretary of the chairman some months ago asking if our village could be one where they conduct trials for high speed broadband rollout and they didn't even have the manner to reply.

I bet they'd write to me if I didn't pay by twatting bill eh BT?

Paris, because everyone has had a go apart from my village which gets left out of everything..

Click here to save Bletchley Park

Jobs Horns

re: who needs a bunch of huts

Dave Jones you can keep cretinous fucking comments like that to yourself. You Gordo's best fukkin pal or something. Socialist like you should be locked up.

Hello my name is Dave, lets empty all the old stately homes and palaces like Buckingham Palace and stick all the furniture exhibits in a big lockup on some industrial estate in the middle of shitsville.

It's not just about the objects the building holds but about what went on there.. I'd bet you'd develop it into flats for heroin addicts?!

Steve Jobs because you're almost as much of a tool as he is.!

Paris Hilton

Great Britain

They should make it a heritage site and the goverment should do everything within its power to preserve Bletchley for future generations of proud British subjects.

In the scope of things it would cost them nothing to save Bletchley and the memory of all the brilliant work that was done there, work which saved countless thousands of lives and possible this country from being ruled by the Germans.

In fact, fuck it. Europe should pay for the place to be kept as it's thanks to us they're not all goosestepping down the street. Take the cash of the french farmers, the cash Britain gives every year!

Rule Britannia!

Paris, because if given the chance Gordo would rather shaft the country over Miss. Hilton.

Brits terrified of online fraud, but want magic cars, says BT

Paris Hilton

BT knows what the punters want!

Fast bradband eh? That's what the punters want, now get your hand into those comfy cord trousers the goverment GAVE you 20 years ago forgetting that the pockets were stuffed with a never ending supply of PUBLIC MONEY and give us all high speed fibre.

Paris, because I'd rather shaft her than get shafted by BT!!

Shell pulls out of Thames Estuary mega-windfarm


Thanks Mrs. T!!!

Global warming is a load of cows udders. Margaret Thatcher invented global warming so she could bring nuclear energy to the UK.

Why did she want to bring nuclear energy to the UK you might ask? Well for those of you who don't know Margaret Thatcher and the Tory party despised trade unions and the trade unions were being a major pain in her arse.. Not a dull ache more like someone with a wire brush attached to a dremel giving you open arse surgery whilst you were fully away. Anyway she dreampt up this scheme whereby she would stop people using so much coal and use elctricity instead, getting some 'questionable scientists' to back all this up the next thing we're bringing in nuclear energy and sacking all the miners for going on strike.

So rather than give in to them she was more than happy to sell this country down the river.. Same thing with the Arabs really, she hated them and the fact we bought their oil so again we have nuclear energy and supposed global warming.

Now global warming is being used as an excuse for out Scottish goverment to completely rape the average UK citizen by charging ludicrous duty and fuel, allowing the fuel comanies to profiteer from us and then spuzzing all the tax proceeds on immigrants and pointless fucking wars in Iraq.

Basically all you can do is vote with your feet for any paryty other than the Reds and hope that the politicians get the fucking message.!