"European People's Party"
You sure it's not the "People's Party of Europe"
or the "Popular People's Party of Europe"
or the "European Popular People's Party" (bloody splitters)
1194 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Dec 2007
Am I to take from your post that you think that giving Plod this level of judicial authority, without formal oversight by the courts, is a good thing? And as for "consider steps which might be taken to reduce the chances of the worst outcomes happening (like having meaningful compensation in the case of a domain being unfairly blocked)?" exactly how much compensation did you have in mind, how do you actually formulate 'meaningful' compensation. And who would foot the bill for said compo? Would that be the particular Plod taking the action personally paying the compo? No, it would end up being the rest of us shelling out for Plod's screw-ups as usual.
I believe the 'slippery slope' referred to is the political expediency of giving Plod ever increasing, unchecked judicial 'authority' without reference to the courts. (Cue police state).
Plod needs to be put back in his collective box, and reminded that his purpose is to uphold the law, and that it is the court's purpose to enforce the law.
So, are Microstuffed themselves now trying to gloss over the turd that was 'Vista' by referring to it as"2008R2"
Almost as big a joke as one of the world's biggest petrochemical companies opting for Vista globally.
Mind you, up until this, they were still using NT/2000...
And maybe glazing companies should sue Microstuffed for people confusing their shitty little product with REAL windows...
Or maybe publishers could sue Apple over the Macbook, based on your initial premise...
POD, it's a WORD. NO-ONE gets to 'own' words. Apart from corporate lawyers. They've pretty much come to define the word WANKERS...
decide on what was illegal or not?
Am I the only one who thinks that their job is to investigate alleged crimes, present said evidence to DPP/Procurator Fiscal, who then decide if there's enough evidence to warrant proceeding to court, where either a magistrate/sheriff or Jury (under the direction of a learned judge) decide if the law has been broken.
Or is that not the way the system works?
Dearest Micky 1,
I'm so happy for you to be content to let every Tom, Dick and Google snoop on your Wi Fi connection (I'm making the presumption that you DO have one). However, there are some of us who would, and I believe quite rightly, rather that they, and others like them refrained from this utterly unnecessary practice entirely. Yes, we do all give away personal information all the time, but usually we accept it because were AWARE OF IT, and it's all a bit of a trade off. Would you be so happy if someone was listening in to your mobile phone conversation? I'm betting on NOT for that one. Same principle my simple minded friend.
But let's wait and see if it actually happens.
Though it was nice to see FORMER Home Secretary Alan Johnson having a wee rant on the Beeb:
Quote from BBC website-
"accused Mr Clegg of using "rampant hyperbole" when talking about surveillance and added that the previous government's law and order reforms had public backing.
He said: "If he [Mr Clegg] wants to ask the public which laws to get rid of, he should also ask which laws they would like to keep." "
'S funny, I don't remember him or his cohorts giving a fucking TOSS about public opinion when they were trying to stitch us up into the State of NuLabouria.
Dear Alan, YOU created our surveillance society! Now FUCK OFF you knobhead.
a register of all premium rate firms, on the basis that it's damned difficult to regulate something you don't even know exists?
Oh, sorry, my mistake. This is a body that's supposed to stop Joe Public from being ripped off by these smeg-pots. I apologise for staying into the 'common sense' territory there. Won't happen again...
is why someone felt the need to have extrated ANY info from the CRB database to be stored, presumably locally, on a poxy spreadsheet. It's not just the twat who accidentally sent it that should be 'disciplined', but also whoever put the spreadsheet together. And also, if the CRB database is being abused by one force, would we be wrong to presume that it's being abused by them all?
and keep tweaking it plausibly every now and then. Remember the festive season 'incident'? And there's another lovely 'holiday' just around the corner. Anyone taking bets on there being a 'terrorist scare' of some sort over the Easter weekend. Awaiting details from the Home Office/Minitrue.
Election, what election? Countries in a 'State of Emergency' don't you know! <vague sound of Jackboots in the distance, but getting louder...>
And they'll STILL say " we told you so" and blame it on the 'tipping point'.
Climate warms up, climate cools down, climate warms up, climate cools down, climate warms up, climate cools down, climate warms up, climate cools down, climate warms up, climate cools down, climate warms up, climate cools down, climate warms up, climate cools down. You see the pattern...
How about a handy, pocket-sized car windscreen scraper, emergency beer-mat (I was going to suggest coaster, but that's so fuckin' lah-de-dah!), applicator for ipod anti-scratch film, hotel room lightswitch card, pizza cutter, survival tool (lichen scraper, latrine digger). the list of possibilities is endless.
Well, OK, it's not.
when I received my copy of the adjudication (yes, I DID complain!). Now I discover that "the chair of the ASA, Lord Chris Smith of Finsbury, also chairs the Environment Agency, and is currently working closely with DECC," I'm not surprised one little bitty bit now.
So, clearly the ASA feels that as long as the 'facts' have been 'qualified' (had they really? I don't think so, and I'm sure I'm NOT the only one), then it's ok if the 'facts' aren't 'absolute'. (not 'facts' then!)
I remember the ASA's own self publicising ad campaign of some time ago, based on the four principles;
"Legal, Decent, Honest, Truthful"
I for one think that the ASA have failed to uphold at least two of those 'principles' in this case.
Still, another fine example of the depths to which the Holy Church of Envirogeddon will stoop to promote 'the cause'
their grip on the sheeple a little bit more then. And they're 'providing' full body scanners at all airports too. Everyone thank the nice gentleman with the explosive xmas package for his 'assistance' in that , will you. How very convenient.
Now, if they can just come up with a plausible 'reason' NOT to have a general election this year...
I happen to enjoy a regular pontification, have done for years, as anyone who has read my posts before will know (ok, not many people then). Point being, I will continue to pontificate as and when I feel like it (and obviously as and when the moderatrix permits ;-P), and no-one's religious order is going to stop me from doing so. You didn't get this kind of abject silliness from the previous management, backward steps all the time, IMHO.
As for all this talk of religious intolerance, don't get me started on all of that.........
is long gone. NuLabour are inexorably tightening their desperate grip on power in this country. An election is (well, currently anyway) coming next year, gawd help us if these fuckers get back in (or are bold enough to decide that they can get away with not having one. Do you think that the merkins would move in to 'restore democracy'?)
Isn't data just another word for information. How, then, can information be 'calibrated' in any way? Only by the 'Ministry of Truth'. What should be being calibrated is the INSTRUMENTATION being used to make the measurements. That is the only way to ensure the accuracy of the data. I speak as an Instrument Engineer here. Why should climate science be any different to industry in this respect. Proper equipment calibration procedures and records of those are what are reguired to validate measurements. Without those, the collected data is MEANINGLESS.
but I'm pretty sure Winston Smith would recognise the principles at the root of this.
As for being able to turn gas supplies off and back on remotely! You have GOT to be fucking joking. Even restricting the flow of gas into a property may result in reduced pressure at the appliance, inefficient combustion and an increase of toxic combustion products, ie, Carbon Monoxide.
Of course, if you're a member of the Inner Party, there'll be no worries about fuel supplies for you. ("Throw another prole on the fire on the way out Jeves, there's a good chap!")
of this NuLabourian government's shameless attempts to shift power away from our (woefully inadequate, self serving) elected 'representatives' and into their direct control.
The next election can't come soon enough. Unless the Dark Lord can figure out a way of postponing, or better still, cancelling it. Would I be surprised. Eh,.. NO.
Orwell, as I predict the Dark Lord will be running 'his' department as "The Ministry of Plenty" before very long...
Time for the daily Two-Minute Hate, I believe...
Finally, someone else has come to realise that AGW is mythology...
"For the planet did indeed get warmer,
and the seas did rise,
and the planet got cooler,
and the seas did fall.
And this did repeat itself time and time again.
And The Lord grumbled unto himself
"I must get someone in to look at that bloody thermostat."
And he did reach for the Yellow Book of Answers..."