Oh Sweet Irony!
Sweet Swet Irony!
1194 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Dec 2007
for our American cousins. When a new gas loading terminal was being built on the Forth near to the bridge back in the early eighties, one yank "engineer" was apparently giving the standard "We built this, we built that, bigger, better yadda, yadda, yadda" speech to some of the locals. One large Fifer, puts his arm around the yank and pointing at the Forth Bridge says "See that, well WE built that while you were still fighting the f**king indians!" Bragging session OVER!
The big difference in the paint job this time, unlike the last 'high-tech' paint job, is that they're taking the structure (cast iron) back to bare metal, not just slapping it over 100 years worth of 'red lead' paint. When they did that, back in the 90's (correct me if I'm wrong Mark M!), they sealed in all the moisture and the bridge started rotting under the paint, with some fairly large bits falling off!!
As for the 'lifespan' of this latest paint job, I'll just wait and see.
One question though, is the 20 years being measured from when the first sections were completed, or the last, as there'll be about a 10 year period between the two?
Mine is the "Craig & Rose" red one!
If they were looking at the same picture of the Wiimote that's posted with your article! That's one big ugly mother of a Wiimote, not to mention the HUGE connector for the nunchuck.
That said, it's not a BAD gimmick, but it's still a gimmick. Just like the Wiimote jacket produced by Nintendo!
I'm just waiting for the Heath & Safety Nazis trying to ban the Wii as being too dangerous, just like conkers!!!
Mine's the big padded silicone rubber one, hanging on the rubber safety hook!
costing more to make sure that no "security sensitive" parts fall into the 'wrong hands' (ie anyone except the US of A) than it cost to build the damn thing in the first place. What was that, it didn't cost anything? Ah, the good ol' "Black Budget".
(Are we actually allowed to use that term these days, or should we be using the term 'African American Budget' or 'IC3 Budget'. I'd hate to offend anyone, well, at least unintentionally!!)
to Vista, personally. Seen it in (in)action often enough to be (un)impressed. I agree that XP is bloated, if not quite as lardy as Vista. I'm not advocating XP as a de-facto standard (God forbid!), but 'Micro'$oft need to take an OS back to basics. By all means, provide all the knobs, bells and whistles, but as OPTIONS, not as integral parts of the OS. Let's not forget that "OS" is SUPPOSED to be the OPERATING SYSTEM.
I accept that the vast (and I do mean VAST) majority of home PC users want a system that gives them all they (think) they need 'out of the box', but the (corporate, in particular) business user wants a more streamilned, customisable OS. Let's face it, it's (almost) always going to be easier to add something(optional) in, than to take something (integrated) out.
I dread to think how bloated 'Windows 7' is likely to be. Probably make XP (if not Vista) look like the proverbial 'Racing Snake'!
...to Microsoft.
The hint is in your own corporate title. "MICRO". We don't want any more lardy-arsed OS's porking out on our system resources. Surely it's not beyond you (well, maybe it is) to produce a leaner, faster more frugal OS that doesn't need 2Gb RAM to function at an acceptable speed. Oh, sorry, I forgot. You did that already (XP, well, sort of!). Couple that with cutting your EXTORIONATE pricing (yes, I KNOW R&D costs a bucket of $), wouldn't it be more effective to produce said slim OS at a low retail price (below 'pirate' profitability margins) and actually GIVE THE CONSUMER WHAT THEY WANT, not what YOU think they SHOULD HAVE!
Thought not.
ps. Vista is a dead horse. Stop flogging it.
of hysteria. Typical, knee-jerk reaction from the biggest collection of jerks on the planet. If we could harness the pure hot air being generated by MEP's, I believe we could heat half of Europe for free.
It'd be (vaguely) interesting to know just what proportion of these numpties have said offending article(s) themselves!
I'll fetch my nice, warm, baby seal fur lined coat for the patio.
required, surely. Clearly she'll be setting herself a nigh on impossible task to produce this 'work of art' with her head so clearly lodged up either her own backside, or that of the prospective 'marks' for this scam, oops, sorry project.
(comma between "sorry" and "project" optional, dependant on your interpritation)
That'll be the "Emporer's New Coat" type coat, please.
If we continue to put ever more satellites into the sky around this planet, by the time we develop any sort of useable deep-space technology, we'll be screwed because we won't be able to get off this rock any more.
on the plus side, since it's EU Farming subsidies that are going to be used, at least the French farmers will know EXACTLY where they are in their tractors, in their latest summer road block.
Thing about sat nav is, it doesn't matter if your equipment can figure out where you are to the nearest millimeter, or how far your going to the nearest mm/sec, if the maps/database that it's being related to are SH*TE, then so is your sat nav.
It's amazing, really. One incident. One poor (possibly drunk) young half-wit with a gun manages to terminate his exisistance with an act of stupidity and before long we're all dragging up the national stereotypes and historical animosities (going all the way back to the American War of Independance, some people know how to hold a grudge!).
People with Guns DO NOT make the world a better place. Not now. Not then. Not in the future. Not here, there, or anywhere.
We need to deal with our inability to control our anger, and our total intolerance of any other opinion than our own, which are the biggest problems I think we face. I've just heard about a forty something father who has been killed over some (stupid) argument about a FOOTBALL. A FOOTBALL!! Reality check required all round.
It'll have more missiles tracking it than any other object known. No way will the good ol' US of A allow as much as a single rivet from that to come into "enemy" hands. If it don't fry coming into the atmosphere, it'll be 'fried' pretty damn soon after.
Hard hats all round to go with the coats
...of banks taking liberties with customers and their accounts. My Bank (Lloyds TSB) are in the process of changing "partners" on their credit cards from Visa to Mastercard. No consultation, one announcement, then new cards delivered superseding the old ones. (don't know if they're RFID'd or not)
Of course, LTSB have taken care of all the "front end" processes in setting up the new accounts (done without my permission!) but the customer has to do all the donkey work when it comes down to setting up any on-line payments, or existing regular accounts, including setting up a new recipient so I can pay the damn credit card via the on-line banking.
I shudder to think what the possibilities for error in "universal" non-contact payment world are likely to be (not LOW for sure). Hard enough to prove fraudulent use as it is, never mind the possibility of your 'chip' being tracked everywhere you go!
This madness must stop.
Will any future visitors to Scotland kindly bring the following on their trip;
(Even more) warm clothing.
Firewood, (Coal if ye prefer)
Batteries (for ony electronic items you really CANNA dae without during your stay).
Paraffin (for the lamps, ye ken)
It'll be like that if these government numpties dinnae get their act the gither.
Nae nuclear. (Well, no on Wee Alec's watch)
Nae wind power. (frightens the grouse!)
Nae wave power (they only last a wee while!)
Nae coal power (nae mair scottish coal!)
Water power? (nae enough tae gan roon)
As Private Frazer wid hae said, "We're A' Doomed!"
"There are Lies, Damned Lies and then there are Statistics"
...for this drivel from the DfT?
That'd be us. Again.
People don't car share because;
It's not convenient.
Neither is the apology for a 'public transport system' we have in this country.
Maybe the DfT should pay more attention to that.