1m "Envirojobs"?
are those one step up from a "McJob", or one step down?
1194 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Dec 2007
"How is a webcam different from seeing the world?"
The 'viewer' is (generally) at the mercy of the camera operator, in this case, a cretin.
"Can you encounter mooning in the real world? Yes"
Indeed. however, if you were to 'moon' a child on a city street, getting arrested for, and charged with, indecent exposure should be the result. As it should here.
I consider myself to HAVE a well developed, mature sense of humour. For example, I find "The Office" to be one of the least humerous series I have ever had the misfortune to view.
I am, however, mildly amused by your monicker, which could possibly be an allusion to one of the following.
Stone Fox, by John Reynolds Gardiner (a story about "ten year old Willy")
Stone Fox (Chase) by Charlie McCoy (a well known blues harp tune, theme for "The Old Grey Whistle Test")
Given the content and context of the original article, coupled with your suggestion that I should get a sense of humour, the former could be construed as vauguely humerous, if rather puerile. I find the second an improbability.
If we are to presume that you intend that I should develop the same sense of 'humour' as demonstrated by the cretin in the article (and others of that ilk), where it is deemed not only acceptable for a grown man to expose his arse and genitalia to a child via a (relatively) public network, but is considered the pinnacle of amusement and hilarity, then I must refuse your generous offer, as I find my current sense of humour more than adequate.
"1) Don't let your 12 year old on the Internet unattended."
I'm presuming, that if the kid's father saw the offending "Arsehole", he was there.
"2) The 1st option is a cure all for all your childs internet woes, howeve, if you want something more specific for Burnout Paradise turn the fecking Camera Feed Off, which is an option in the game."
Now, not being familiar with the set up, enlighten me, does "turn the fecking Camera Feed Off" turn off the outgoing camera only or both?
"Playing online is like going up to seven complete strangers out of the thousands in Trafalgar Square and asking to play twister."
No it F***ING ISN'T. If you did, you would have a degree of control over the people you pick (ie, you can usually tell what sex / age group they fit into, which you can't online), not be presented with a presumably random series of profiles. However,
"There is always going to be some bar steward that cops an unwanted grope" is actually quite incisive in the context of a paedo masquerading as your "average gamer".
"Finally, there is no substitute for parental protection"
Correct. And if this kid's parent is persuing this Arsehole along with the relevant law enforcement agencies then good on him. It should be seen as a warning to the idiot minority that this kind of behavior is NOT ACCEPTABLE.
"One of my friends is partial to the odd moon when he gets taken down"
"give an idiot a camera then the odd moon is to be expected"
"People who get offended by these sort of things shouldn't play online"
Infantile Arseholes who behave like this shouldn't play online.
It's not big, and it's not clever, it's merely an indicator of your complete and utter lack of maturity.
if the cops do 'bust his ass!' Clearly unfit to be behind the (virtual) wheel. If that's how he reacts to a GAME, how's he gonna react if someone cuts him up in real traffic?
(Thinks - "Falling Down")
Being cynical, I'm expecting a flush of copycat Arseholes!
Paris, coz most folks have already seen her butt.
Of a row of shopping trolleys.
Will you need a £1 coin to fit in the little chain release slot.
Odds on I'd STILL get the one with the bloody wonky wheel and a mind of it's f**king own!
And I'd have to take out all the crap that the last lazy b**tard left behind.
coz they HAVE GOT to be kidding!
to "secure" personal information on an old PC when you get rid of it, as we should all know, is to remove the HDD and turn it into fine sand with a large hammer.
Nothing else comes close.
(Given the recent articles on data recovery from RAM, the more paranoid should employ the same approach here. The truly psychotically paranoid would probably be best pulverising all the internal components!)
Plus there's a distinct amount of satisfaction in the process.
If you convert all that filthy lucre into nice shiny gold, at todays prices, that works out at the following approximation;
760 billion dollars
24,500 TONNES of gold. (or 24.5 MILLION 1kg ingots)
I did say APPROXIMATELY remember. (Would you miss the odd few ingots at those numbers?)
Back to the cool, dark, quiet place!
"Ah, well. Less than a year until the change of masters."
Given the state of the (Democrat) primaries, I get the feeling the following quote may (unfortunately) be appropriate.
"Meet the new Boss. Same as the old Boss"
I'm just not sure that there are enough Americans, especially in the 'undecided' category prepared to vote for either;
1) A Woman.
2) A Black Guy (there, I've said it)
We live in hope however. I don't have a preference for either of the above, just that the last thing the world needs is another tired old warhorse at the helm of the US, and another 4-8 years of this insanity.
for the poor criminal to be on the recieving end of "poor data handling" as opposed to the rest of us. This problem would be solved by simply eliminating parole altogether, and adding time ON to sentences if they can't or won't behave whilst banged up.
Mine is the flame resistant one!
I presume you are referring to the majority of self-contained DC power sources here. If you actually look at the construction of these devices, you will find that each "battery" as we like to call them, is indeed made up of a collection of individual charged cells, connected in series to produce the desired voltage.
From Greek. aero- "air" (combining form) + solution
Physical Chemistry. a system of colloidal particles dispersed in a gas; smoke or fog.
A liquid substance, as a disinfectant or deodorant, sealed in a metal container under pressure with an inert gas or other activating agent and released as a spray or foam through a push-button valve or nozzle.
Tube (colloquial Scots):
Someone who should check what he's saying before posting rant on El Reg.
in this story than the ENTIRE friends saga, I'd imagine!
The word "numpty" springs to mind. Didn't he even notice this happening. (Well, no, apparently)
Question is, did his missus get to watch those episodes eventually?
A salutory lesson in the perils of roaming-data charges (AKA highway robbery)
if it came free with a packet of cornflakes. (prefer branflakes myself, must be getting old!)
"It's hard to believe that millions of Windows XP users were just waiting for Vista to get a little cheaper before committing themselves."
No. Were waiting for Micro$oft to do unto Vista as Toshiba have (finally) done unto HD-DVD!
I didn't fink of dat one!
Now I go beat head wiv rock.
Just spotted the actual price (£80) too. Mis-read it earlier as £13 ('s not been a good day today!!). F**k that! Commitment to buy recinded.
PS. There's not really any suitable free space on my dash for ANYTHING, hence the earlier comment (DUH)
Hope my brain's back in service (well, more than today anyway) tomorrow.
Cheers for the info guys.
Just a coincidence after all then!
N.O.I. Richy, but your (full) moniker is a bit ironic considering the subject matter.
Given Nintendo's current leanings towards the 'casual gamer' (like myself these days), I can't see a large proportion of said demographic shelling out on subscription services for occasional online play. As for the "Virtual Red Stickers", will these translate to "Real Red Stickers" on packaging so you know where you stand BEFORE YOU BUY THE GAME! More to the point, are Nintendo intending to start charging for online play on EXISTING (both Wii &DS) games?
The words "foot," "in," "themselves," "shooting," & "the" spring to mind.
Yes. I KNOW it's a sick joke.
Just as long as it's not public money that's funding this hogwash, good luck to him! Can't see "errant teenagers" being scared by DB & HD, or a load of ex-cons.
Maybe for his next outing on TV he could try 'One Man and his Dog' herding a flock of said "errant teenagers" back onto the 'straight and narrow'.
Based on the post timings, it looks like some of you guys really need to get to sleep earlier. All this late night gaming (well, I presume it's gaming, or is it just 'joystick' abuse?) is making you all grumpy!
Paris, cos she'd (probably) be able to 'cure' you of your "LIVE" addiction.