* Posts by dervheid

1194 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Dec 2007

EE accused of silencing customer gripes on social media pages


"Improve it's customer sevice record"?

Not the main problem.

The main problem for anyone outside of a major city center and/or not on '4GEE' is that their signal and data speeds are, at best piss-poor, and nominally uter shite.

I have posted numerous 'complaints' on this on twitter, to be met with similar responses as those shown (can you DM us, PLEASE!!!) to just being flat out ignored.

Orange/EE give me the impression that if you're not a '4GEE' customer they couldn't really give a rat's arse what your reception is like.

Recording lawsuit targets Ford, GM in-car CD recorders


Presumably they dont have a CDR drive...

and the only output is via the in-car audio system.

Seem to be pretty much covered in the copy protection stakes.

And lets face it, 'everyone' borrows (or at least used to) CD's from their friends.

Further death-throes of the conventional music industry model

And another cashfest for the lawyers.

World Solar Challenge contender claims new speed record


How far?


Please define what a 'kms' is, as it does not appear to be a standard SI unit of measurement.

YES: Scotland declares independence ... from the dot co dot uk empire


Re: "If Scotland get independance, I'll be the first one to move there."

Always one ill-informed idiot:

The Scottish nobles were coerced into the Act of Union, not just by the disater of the Darien Project, but by the 'Alien Act' which, had they not acceeded, would have resulted in their property in England being forfeit.

Propagated by the results of greed on both sides of the 'union'.

Either way, all that shit was over 300 years ago. Some of us have gotten over that, and are looking to the future, not the sordid past (some seem unable to see past 1690). With the obvious exception of the recent, and ongoing, draining of ALL the UK's wealth into the coffers of the Tories and their cohorts. An iScotland will be the kick in the knackers the political system in the entire UK needs, but so many seem to be so afraid of initiating

Tesla, Nissan, BMW mull all-for-plug, plug-for-all electrocar charger plan


Good luck with that one


BOFH: On the contrary, we LOVE rebranding here at the IT dept



Made I larf.

Thought you might have make it all the way back to the PFYs 'outburst'

"Synergy of Hardware and Information Technology, Business Admin Group"

Women found just TWO out of every HUNDRED US tech startups




It's time that this sort of pointless statistic (they're ALL pointless IMO) was given the attention it truly deserves: NONE.

Facebook wants to LISTEN IN on the songs and vids playing in YOUR living room


Two words Zuk;




Organic food: Pricey, not particularly healthy, won't save you from cancer


In other news...

Bacon still tastier than Tofu

Organic or otherwise...



Knowing which way 'up' the plug is

doesn't help when there's no (apparent) definition or standardisation for which way 'up' the socket should be.

If you have multiple devices, from different manufacturers (or even the same one), you can guarantee that you'll have some one way, some the other.

And as for plugs being marked, same problem; some one side, some the other, some not at all.

BlackBerry sucker-punches TV star Ryan Seacrest in patent brawl


Querty keyboard patent?

I call April Fool on that one.

Besides, my missus had a Ericsson phone many years ago that had a plug-in querty keyboard.

Not to mention all those other crackberry clones out there

Tesla firms hot bottoms: TITANIUM armor now bolted to Model S e-cars


Re: Historical

Reciprocated: to move alternately back AND forward (or up AND down, if you prefer)

Dear Reg: What is a 'Lag' and a 'Jacksey'?



Professionally Upset By Everything.

If this person (gender has not been formally identified) finds 'lag' and 'jacksey' offensive, they're gonna be apopleptic over 'C*ckwomble', F*cknugget' & 'W*nkstain'

Worse than that, they have no contol over their use of the apostrophy. Grammatical heathen.

BT snatches crown: Soars to top of complaints list



it's just that we've given up complaining about the rest of them as much because fuck all changes whether you do or not.

Though I imagine BT are no different in that respect. Different demographic perhaps?

Ray-Ban to produce Google Glass data-goggs: Cool - or Tool?


Re: Hmmm.


But Our Lizard Overlords don't currently seem to give too much of a fuck about our opinions on anything. Can only see that getting worse instead of better (HMRC given powers to simply take what you 'owe' them from your bank account, without oversight; the steady grinding down of the NHS; privatisation of just about everything; a semi-militarised police farce (BoJo wants them to have unfettered use of water cannons); WorkFair schemes; increasing poverty and the 'wealth gap'; need I go on?)

If they think that they can get away with it, they will certainly try.



Making Google Glass 'cool' is the first step to making them Ubiquitous.

I predict that sooner rather than later, Our Lizard Overlords will decide that these are such "a good thing" that their wearing will become mandatory, then we'll ALL be part of the Survelliance State. Powered by EE of course (becoming Everybody Everywhere).

That said, they'll have to improve their network a shitload first.

Blinking good: LG launches smart light bulb for Android/iOS


Vulture Central...

must be REALLY antiquated if you're still huddled under that sort of lighting. Most offices use the ever popular, headache inducing, fluroescent tube. (gotta LOVE that flicker...)

'Arrogant' Snowden putting lives at risk, says NSA's deputy spyboss


Re: NSA Deputy Director Richard Ledgett: Go To Jail. Go Directly To Jail…

So, what are you advocating here? Banning the sale of diesel & fertilizer? Banning truck rental?

Universal Quasi-governmental wire-tapping? Do you want us all living back in the fecking stone-age, because no amount of scumvenmental wire-tapping will prevent the lone, or close-knit group of crazy motherfuckers doing as above.

If our various scumvernments stopped trying to impose 'our way of doing things' on people & cultures that like, and WANT, to do things differently, then the 'organisations' that our scumvernments have whipped you (and the rest of the sheeple) into believing want to destroy your way of life, rape your women, drink the blood of your children (won't somebody think of the CHILDREN!!) or whatever cockamamie idea that's been dreampt up next will be seen as the smoke and mirrors that they are.

Stop watching Fox 'News' (or the BBC). Turn of the fear machine. let others deal with their own problems in their own way unless they ask for help. And above all: shut down the global arms machine.


Re: Of course NSA puts USA at risk

And the UK are is the same situation for pretty much the same reasons.

Only we have the additional problem of being led by idiots who STILL think that 'Great Britain' is still a world power. And of course there are plenty of knuckle-dragging sheeple here who share the same blind patriotic fervour as some of their knuckle-dragging American cousins.

If it weren't for the fact that the UK has nuclear weapons, NO-ONE would pay even the slightest bit of attention to the sabre-rattling coming from our Scumvernment

So as above.

Wind our necks in

Shut the fuck up

Mind our own business

Leave the big boys to play their silly games

FORCE gov.uk suppliers to stick to 'open data principles' – MPs



When the Scumvernment doesn't comply?

You're having a laugh, aren't you?

Euro cops on free Wi-Fi not-so-hotspots: For pity's sake, don't use them for email


Re: Smartphones

In Android settings; WiFi; Advanced: turn off Auto network switch, Scanning always available.

my 'Droid will still auto connect to known & trusted WiFi (like my home network) but not to anything else (it will ask)

If anyone's too dumb to sort out their settings, just turn the frigging wifi OFF when you're not actually using it (saves battery life a little too)

And if they're dumb enough to connect to "Free WiFi Here", then hell mend 'em.

Getty offers 35 MILLION images for free – if you jump (em)bed with it



exactly 'freely' at all really, is it.

Blimey! ANOTHER Bitcoin bleed brouhaha

Black Helicopters

Re: Conspiracy Theory Time

"unless one wanted to destroy Bitcoin altogether (and who would want to do that?)"

The Banks

Currency Traders


all with the motive and clout to have it done

Still, what do you expect when you put all of your money into some vague, shady, electronically-stored 'currency' on the promise of someone you've no real reason to trust with just a half-arsed promise that you'll get it back at some time in the future but can spend some of it on the interweb and stuff.

Oh, wait. hang on...

Labour calls for BIG OVERHAUL of UK super-snoop powers in 'new digital world'


So, the party of a bazillion CCTV cameras...

now wants tighter controls on scumvermental snooping?



*Checks back of head for presence of zip/buttons*

UK spies on MILLIONS of Yahoo! webcams, ogles sex vids - report


Have they really...


We're paying these utter knob-jockeys to spy on us.

How fucked-up is that?

This needs putting an end to.

NHS England tells MPs: 'The state isn't doing dastardly things with GP medical records'


Re: What do you want from the NHS

And thirdly

If all the insurance companies have access to everyones medical records, where does your presumption that "The Insurance companies might well find that their client pool drops dramatically, along with profits and revenue" fit in.

What it's more likely to lead to is many more people being refused motor insurance altogether, but continuing to drive anyway, or only being able to get insurance via a few specialist insurers who actually take the time to understand the 'risks', which the big companies almost certainly won't do. Take it from someone with experience in that respect; the big insurance companies are only interested in low risk customers.

More uninsured drivers = higher premiums all round = more profits for the insurance companies. Win/Win for them, Lose/Lose for us.

And that would be applicable across ALL sorts of insurance. Got 'free' travel insurance with your bank account? You can bet that noone will cover you for any pre-existing medical conditions


Tim Kelsey

What a complete and utter prick.

care.data has to be the biggest con and betrayal of Doctor/patient confidentiality EVER conceived.

Hopefully the NHS in Scotland will not go down this oudious route.

Battle of Bletchley Park: TNMOC chief calls for review of museums' Mexican standoff


I'm not surprised

that the 'Trust' (there's a fucking oxymoron for you) "are loath to let its boss Iain Standen talk to the media"

Perhaps they've realised that he's a pretentious bell-end.

London calling: Date set for launch of capital's very own domain name


I honestly didn't realise

that there could be THAT many stupids down there.

Mind you, they're vastly more intelligent than those that would be 'impressed' by any domain name.

Licence to be parted from your cash, biz bods.

Scotland to test mobe signals slammer jammer


As the Kaiser Chiefs once sang...

" I pred...

(stuck in your head now...)

CCTV warning notices NOT compliant with data protection laws – ICO


Potential "Get out of Jail Free" card?

Could it be used as a defence?

"Your signs do not comply with legal requrements, ergo your 'fine' is unenforceable"

Not a lawyer, so would love an informed opinion on that.

Volunteers slam plans to turn Bletchley Park into 'geeky Disneyland'

Thumb Down

Dumbing down.

This seems to be part of the overall agenda of this scumvernment and the associated 'establishment'. They don't want a well-educated populace that can challange their authoritarianism; they want the sheeple dumb enough, skint enough and hungry enough to be grateful for the scraps from their table.

Another example of the "look at the shiny-shiny" distractions being pumped out.

Elderly Bletchley Park volunteer sacked for showing Colossus exhibit to visitors

Thumb Down


I witnessed this broadcast last week. Utterly unneccesary and disgraceful treatment of someone who'd been a voluntary guide for decades. Clearly Iain Standen has little or no concept of the integrity and interdependancy of both parts of this site. He seemed to be more concerned with his little pet project visitor center.

If you read this Mr Standen, I suggest you resign. You are an arse.

Lloyds Group probes server crash behind ATM, cash card outage


Dear Banks

Sort your fucking IT acts out. It's the 21st Century FFS.

(I also see too much "clearly you know nothing at all about IT" and comments of that nature.

So. Fuck. What.)

I think that customers have a right to demand far more robustness from Bank (and other vital institutions) IT systems than there currently is. Stop paying your already grossly overpaid executives obscene amounts of money, bolster your infrastructure (including security) and treat your customers with more respect.

Australia floats plan for national social media regulator


Job Title

Social Media Untaintedness Team

Boffins hampered by the ampere hanker for a quantum answer



I = V/R


'You win, Kanye': Coinye creators throw in towel after rapper sues



a sad, pathetic little individual he really is.

Staffs Police face data protection probe over 'drink drivers named' Twitter campaign


Once again

Plod takes it upon themselves to re-write their remit.

Stick to policing, you shower of self-aggrandised knobends. Leave the disbursment of punishment to the courts.

Microsoft to RIP THE SHEETS off Windows 9 aka 'Threshold' in April


it all begins to sound

a bit like the 'Vista' fiasco, all over again.

Have to agree with some other comments; Microsoft are seriously in danger of becoming irrelevant in OS terms.

Never mind bungled Universal Credit rollout, Maude wants UK to be 'most digital' gov by 2015


Re: 'announced plans to put Brits' driving records online.'




Re: 'announced plans to put Brits' driving records online.'

Why, because once they do that, along with 'simplifying' the way you'll access on line scumvernment, they'll be well on the way to creating an ID card system by the back door without the sheeple realisng it's been done.

"Welcome to Police State UK (England & Wales).* Papers please, citizen"

* We Scots will have fucked off and left you to it...

EE and Voda subscribers to get 2G and 3G INSIDE the Channel Tunnel




EE & Vodafone (particularly YOU, EE)

Stop fanny-arsing around with stupid wee headline-grabbing schemes like this and sort out giving us decent strength 3G/2g coverage in the real world.

Once you've done THAT, you can fanny about with THIS sort of crap all you like.


Justice minister tries to further delay snoop silo laws in Germany


Re: Is it just me?

Ah, but they HAVE learned from their mistakes, and those of previous encumbents, and are now cheerfully arse-raping us whilst the majority of sheeple are mesmerised by the mind-deadening celebrity shiny-shiny shows and manipulated 'News' (propagenda), whilst removing our rights to protest (IPNA).



Is it just me?

Or is there a certain irony, 70 years on, that the German state seems to be more protective of its citizens freedoms than either the UK or the USA?

Virgin Media spanked by ad watchdog over 'in your neighbourhood' fibs


Of course...

..it's not called 'Advertising' these days, it's "Marketing", dahling.

Or as the cunts on the phone call it, a "marketing SURVEY", which lets them get round the flimsy 'rules' of the Telephone Preference service. (I used to suggest that they might perhaps like to fuck off, then hang up, but now I just lay the phone down and let them dribble on until I can hear the disconnect tone...)


Re: Spammers.

Been Registered with the Mailing Preference Service since we moved in almost ten years ago.

But as you say, it doesn't stop the "The Occupier" shite.

Hence the 'return to sender' approach.

Also check out stopjunkmail <http://www.stopjunkmail.org.uk/default.php>

Useful advice and tips...



Is what they'd be referred to if they sent as much shite via email as they do via the postie.

This now gets labelled "return to sender" and bunged back in the post.

Maybe if more people did this with persistant junk mail they'd get the message.

I've seen the future of car radio - and DAB isn't in it


Streaming in the car?

You have to be joking. Unless all you're doing is pootling about London, or any other large city, then this will be about as much use as a chocolate fireguard in the 'real world', where 3G (and the yet rarer 4G) signals fluctuate like the preverbial prostitutes underpants. If the telcos ever get their acts together to provide at least 75% coverage at a decent enough signal strength then, just maybe.

That said, by that sort of signal saturation, we'll probably be able to stream directly into our cooking brains.

I will agree with you to an extent on DAB though.

Ten classic electronic calculators from the 1970s and 1980s


Still working

My 36 year old Commodore SR416 still works perfectly.