"Do a Beagle"
Hope this lands OK.
And rthat our future Martian overlords don't get TOO pissed off.
1194 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Dec 2007
If I were them!
They've GOT to be treading on a few trade names (CSi for one, and they've called their software DS LITE! That's bound to interest Ninty)
If you could use this device WITHOUT having to plug it into the target device, then I'd see the point. But as you actually have to plug it into the target, what'd stop you just downloading it to a laptop, as presumably the owner is going to have to be unaware of the snooping anyway.
Bloody Poinless device. will sink without trace. (even beyond the scope of CSi)
which is fine and dandy if, like you, you can speak these languages, and therefore can phrase the input language to get the desired result. Smartarse.
Unfortunately, the less linguistically talented majority of users (yes, I'd be one of those, smattering of school French / Spanish from MANY years ago) will just have to put up with the gibberish.
I'd like to see them translate "Late Saturday Night Drunken Glaswegian" into English.
Now THERE'S a challange.
The Lunatics HAVE finally taken over the Asylum.
"And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
And if there is no room upon the hill
And if your head explodes with dark forbodings too
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon"
Orwell was right, he just got the date about 30 years too early.
that these stores have become little more than glorified showrooms for a large portion of the populace.
For my own part, if I'm buying a new electrical item, I'll do my research on line, and create a comparison list. Then it's off to the local retail parks, mooching around all the retailers (Comet, Curry's,PC World etc) to get a 'real world' look at the shortlist, then I'll make my selection. Obviously, if I can get it cheaper on line, factoring in delivery cost and convenience, then it'll be an on-line purchase. It's not often that the stores beat the on line pricing. I've even had the experience of quoting their own 'on-line price' in the store and asking them to match it, then being refused. My reaction - I take my money elsewhere. If DSGI want to survive, then the instore pricing has to match up to the on-line pricing AND be competitive at that level.
BTW, I Do Not Want to be offered an 'extended warranty' every time I buy something. By all means send me the offer via snail / email later, but my reaction in-store will always be "no thanks".
continuous loop rebooting isn't actually "significantly change(ing) customers' experience with the operating system"
Micros**tspeak for "this'll maybey make you wish you'd upgraded to vista, you ingrates"
No, it won't. It'll just make me disable auto updates, which might not be such a bad thing after all. (Please, don't patronise me by pointing out the 'risks' of not keeping up to date with the security patches, I'll take that over the risk of SP3 ta very much!)
And they wonder why people are pissed off with them.
the world IS going to hell on a hand cart.
This is political correctness gone mentally disturbed.
Surely for any organism to be capable of comprehending a state of dignity, it would have to be fully sentient and self aware.
Which, would qualify most vegetables as celebrities, or have I got that the wrong way round?
who's still going around calling himself "Benji" isn't really mature enough to be a father? (Who the fuck IS Benji Madden anyway?) Sounds like the kind of name you'd give your kid's dog.
Maybe they should televise the conception, and if perchance a fatal freak accident were to befall them during coitus, then we'd have a loveley Double Darwin!
Not to mention another sure-fire internet video hit! (that'll be the IT angle then!)
what you'd call cheap then, is it. Not with just a poxy 50 minutes and 50 texts for your £24. Or was that a typo. If it was 500 of each, then it'd be in the ballpark with the other networks.
But then again, if that is the package, BT clearly think the public are all mugs <cough>'Phorm' </cough>
Memo to BT.
We're NOT all mugs.
Spot On!
In the past, when the peasants were less educated, religion sufficed as a means of keeping them in line (be a good boy/girl in this miserable existance, then enjoy the life everlasting)
But there are way fewer people for whom this approach will work. New 'religion' required.
Climate Change / Global warming / Carbon Culture.
Misinformation. Fear. Panic. Spanish Inquisition!
(100 years) would be more useful to analyse than the last 10 years
Maybe, but then you'd have to expand that approach and go back, say, 10 000 years, or maybe 100 000. Pity we don't have actual recorded data. All we can do is analyse some ice and tree cores and attempt to extrapolate data from those analyses, based on current recorded conditions. That allows us to theorise about historical data/trends, not prove them.
"The joke is that for people who actually work in the area, there *is* no controversy"
Or would that be a 'vested interest' perhaps (like no climate change/global warming; no job)
Part of good science is to challenge the validity of data. This 'rotation' seems to challenge the validity of that data.
covered by one of yesterday's posts:
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please". Mark Twain
Earth gets warmer (people panic)
Earth gets cooler (people panic)
Earth gets warmer (people panic)
Earth gets cooler (people panic)
Surprise surprise!
Perhaps another of the great man's quotes might be appropriate here too;
"Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising."
terrorists 1; sanity 0
Why doesn't the US just shut it's borders, both pysical and virtual, (after recalling all its troops) and let the rest of us get on with our lives without them. They're no longer the economic powerhouse of the world (that'd be China.) and given a short time I'm sure we could learn to live without their interference.
Flame away!
especially if you're a bit late 'hitting the button', and you end up with a lovely brown out.
BTW, was that from fully off-line, all valves closed, or what? (yes, I know that's not a normal state for a hydro station) and does that also include sychronisation with the grid?
I've posted some of these figures before.
The local Coal-fired station to us produces 2600MWatts. (and granted a LOT of SHIT)
The 'array' of 341 windmills, 1000MWatts (but 'clean')
Dave Errington
"The turbines on the farm go round and round, round and round, round and round all day long. Much like the wheels on the bus in fact."
No, they don't. Not if there's not enough, or worse still, too much wind (See exploding wind turbine vids). But I do agree they look good.
No crystal ball here mate, pretty much like everyone else on this planet. I agree on the need to secure our energy needs, just don't think windmills are tha way ahead by any means. Nuclear, now there's your answer.
damned lies, and statistics!"
Samuel Langhorne Clemens
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. "
Mark Twain
Guess what folks, this is what both sides of the arguement are doing.
The man was a freaking genius.
Weatherproof / flame resistant with removable lining, suitable for any climate!
with apparently little or no engineering appreciation
"large scale on-demand hydro"
You cannot just 'turn on' a "large scale" hydro power station. Or any other power station, of any kind!
And you called ME a DICK?
BTW, we back-pump water into reservoirs overnight. You know why, it's to maximise the usage from nuclear generation, by storing it as kinetic energy! Good, eh!
Go do some PROPER engineering.
(at least) Three this time!
Fishing is good at this time of year!
#1) Nope, right Icon. Stop hiding behind the "A.C." posting.
#2) Not really, but it gets YOUR attention.
"Actually, global warming isn't a myth: and wind power is a viable part of the future energy mix."
Not been proven yet either!
The figures for 'real' output from wind turbines make them, IMHO, pretty useless, unless you want to carpet the entire country with the buggers. Fine by me, but it might bother quite a few people who would rather have scenic views.
#3) If you really were that bothered, you'll have read the reports already / know where they are (try the BBC news website, but before the raving loonies have the story changed/withdrawn, or the "Telegraph" website)
BTW I think you'll find that the "thousands of trained scientists who agree that climate change is very much a reality and happening right now" is actually a considerably smaller number. No point in accusing others of immaturity if your going to exaggerate your own numbers to try and make a point.
Same icon as before!
BTW. It appears that global temperatures are expected NOT TO RISE over the next decade, according to reports today. Coupled with the reports that say they haven't actually risen for the last decade, this would tend to indicate that
perpetrated by Governments and big businesses alike in order to screw yet more money out of Joe Public for hair-brained schemes like this one!