* Posts by dervheid

1194 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Dec 2007

Road Pricing 2.0 is two years away


@ Andreas Koch

Nicely put.

This would appear to be the same argument Boris must have used recently against the 'Bendy-Bus' and in favour of the good ol' Routemaster.

IE Routemaster = more passengers/foot than 'Bendy-Bus', therefore Routemaster generates less congestion. Not to mention greater manoeuvrability in London's streets.

The really scary thing is that BJ seems to have a grip on reality!


And the next step is...

Travel Permits!

"Papers Please, Citizen!"

Teachers give toilet CCTV top marks


"habituating children to a very high degree of surveillance"

Oh dear.

It would appear that Terri Dowty has let the cat out of the bag on this one.

One way ticket to a NuLaborian 'Thought Clinic' then.

MoJ admits data breaches affecting 45,000

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"The Ministry of Justice"

Yet another governmental oxymoron.

But then again, aren't they all!

This lot wouldn't know 'Justice' if it came up and bit them on the arse.

Which, hopefully, it will do soon.

National DNA database grows on the genes of the innocent


"forced to remove all the DNA profiles it retains from innocent people."

Easily solved.

The NuLabourian Stazi will simply ensure that EVERYONE will be found guilty of SOMETHING, no matter how *trivial*.

What did you think they meant by "biometric data" on your ID Card.

"Papers Please, Citizen!"

Malicious gossip could cost you your job


It's all down to...

the total lack of balance between 'rights' and 'responsibilities', or 'actions' and 'consequences'.

The whole system in this country has been skewed by 20+ years of 'political correctness' and we are now reaping the harvest.

It's not only teachers who are bearing the brunt of the "Sir/Miss tried to 'touch' me" approach used by the semi feral brats, but anyone in a position of authority or responsibility. Fuck me, you even have gangs of these juvenile scum stoning fire crews while they're fighting a fire, most likely started by said scum for the purpose of getting the fire-fighters out to be used for target practice. And they have no fear of any consequence of their actions.


Because all the 'consequences' have either been removed or are now utterly devalued.

The balance needs to be restored. Unfortunately, the politicians we now have 'at the helm' have been exposed to all of this PC lunacy for so long, and are so afraid of changing course, (a course being largely dictated by the tabloid media), that I don't see any improvement likely.

Arctic ice refuses to melt as ordered


Calm down people!

Let's not get into a frenzy of "So, there's more ice than there was, rather than less, which isn't what YOU predicted, you doom-mongering, tree-hugging AGW enviro-nazis"

Let's make that attack in a calm, yet derisive manner.

Much more dignified.

Bugger that!

More ICE!

get it RIGHT up ye!

Throw another shovel-full of coal on that fire!

Did we say you can read that?


@ "Index of Forbidden Books"

Oh, mark my words, that'll be coming soon, although it's likely to be the inverse, an "Index of Permitted Reading".

And it'll be very, very short.


Sir Colin's Arse...

must indeed be very sore from sitting on the fence, and his fingers likewise from all the lilly-livered hand wringing.

Spineless Git.

Twitter falls silent in the UK

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You mean to say...

that these 'twittering' in-duh-viduals (appropriate term, coined by Scott 'Dilbert' Adams) might actually have to develop Real Social Skills.

Like talking using actual vocally produced language.

never happen!

(twittering is what the birds do. appropriate, given the average twitterer's likely brain capacity)

US says the next war will be all in our minds


The "War on Terror"

is all just in our minds anyway.

Put there by THEM.

In order to control US.

Massive expansion planned for 'no-work' database

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Nothing New Here.

The UK offshore industry were always rumoured to have operated a 'similar' thing, (always denied, never proven). Workers purportedly categorised under the term 'NRB' would (apparently) find it nigh on impossible to find work in the industry thereafter. (NRB - Not Required Back)

Schemes like this are bad news all round.


And the words...

"Kangaroo" and "Court" spring to mind here!

(Apologies to our antipodean sector)

Ofcom: 'Well done Ofcom!'


now, I'm sure I'm being naive here...

but I thought Ofcom's purpose was to REGULATE the communications industry, and to ensure that said industry operates within the framework of the law/regulations.

If so, then WTF do they need "hundreds of highly-paid economists" for?

Enlightenment, please.

US judge says University can ignore Christian course credits

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Advocates for Faith and Freedom.

It would seem to be from their title that 'faith' comes before 'freedom' in their philosophy.

Tells you all you need to know.

Good decision by the Judge, IMHO.


Their attorney's name is MONK?



Oh and BTW...

If these 'students' already believe that the contents of the Bible are "absolute and infallible", then their 'studies' are clearly complete, and they can have no use for any further 'education' of any sort. Clearly a university place would be wasted on them.

Council IT provider's staff exposed back-room operations


Aw, c'mon...

they were just 'teambuilding'!

Sot of.

Forgot your ID? You must be a terrorist

Dead Vulture

@ Gary

I appear to have missed your happy little band for consideration in my 'simple answer' reply!

But I'll bet that THEY haven't!

USA - No Flying


@ Simple Answer

I'm sure they already considered that. Give them another few minor, or one major 'incident' as an excuse, however...

Back to the trains...

Then the buses...

Then the roads...

"Papers Please"


Getting to be...

harder to get into (and around in) the US than it ever was to get into the USSR.

And about as worthwhile from a business/tourism point of view.

The Terrorists have succeeded. The US authorities are terrified.

Is Microsoft's Silverlight evil?

Gates Horns

Is Microsoft's Silverlight evil?

Maybe not, but it IS the bastard child of Satan himself.

UK.gov misses deadline on EU Phorm probe




Government ministers & the ICO may not 'fully understand' the implications of this technology.

But you can bet your sweet ass that there ARE people in the (un)Civil Service and security services who DO 'fully understand' not only the implications, but the possibilities of this technology.

Hence the large dose of official disregard being given to the subject.

'I've cracked Nokia S40 security', claims researcher


@ Duncan

Spot on.

Going back to my point, the truly intelligent customer will actually already have cancelled the direct debit upon receipt of the "3 Grand Bill" and prior to the "rings customer service".

I'd rather run the risk of being cut-off by the phone company whilst we argue over the bill, with the 3K still in MY account than let be in the position of trying to get it back from THEM.


@ pctechxp

Small flaw in your otherwise humorous scenario;

"CS: we'll be debiting the whole amount by direct debit in 14 days"

Should be followed by;

"Intelligent customer contacts bank immediately to cancel D.D. arrangement"

Dutch unlocked iPhone site takes €700,000 then goes offline

Jobs Horns

so many suckers...

so little time.

Phorm papers reveal BT's backwards approach to wiretap law


Blocking all Phorm Ads...

wont, per say, stop them from monitoring your browsing. THAT'S the real issue.


"with consent from 10,000 customers"

There surely can't be 10,000 BT customers left in the UK who either don't know about this or are too dumb to care about the possible consequences.


Please refute this, somebody.

Aussies: Eat roos, save the planet


Dear h4rm0ny

The point of the article was an attempt to REDUCE enteric methane emissions.

I'd venture to suggest that if we ALL go on a vegetarian "lentils and beans" type diet, then the current levels of global enteric methane emissions will rise considerably. And, as we all know, methane is a far more effective greenhouse gas than CO2, by a double-figure factor (around 20x, I believe).

So, there we have the answer. It's not the fossil fuel burners, its the lentil-munching, vegetarian THH's that are causing "Global Warming"

Oh, the irony.


Roast Leg of 'Roo...

That'll need one BIG mutha of an oven!

Not so sure about the appeal of "Roo Tail Soup", although I imagine you'd get much more out of your average 'Roo tail than your average Ox tail.

And you'd need a new name for "OXO" cubes. Should make the "OXO" family a bit jumpy too.

Would clothing made from 'Roo skin automatically qualify to be called a 'jump-suit' or 'jumper?

The one with the built-in tail.

(Dear god, I need to get out more!)

Fake feet trip up Olympic opening coverage

Black Helicopters

TV Companies manipulating the 'Truth'?


Well bugger me, who'd have suspected that?

Man buys $1,000 worth of iPhone pixels by accident


might as well join in the fun...

what a wanker!

No Sympathy.

CERN: LHC to fire first proton-smash ray next month


all the shite jobs...

now on the 'back burner' until late September then!

Lies, damned lies and government statistics


@ Matt Bryant

A reasonable argument.

However, this (populist) proposition is intended to address the symptom of the scenario, not the root cause:


"They often come round the corner at full pelt to find a stationary queue of traffic and plough into the rearmost car (seven such fatal incidents in the last three years!), mainly by drivers driving inside the speed limit."

Solution; "A local politician has suggested a drop in the limit to 40mph for the bend and a camera to enforce it,"

Root Cause:

"The problem is that this bend in particular has a thick wedge of woodland right up to the kerb, and drivers cannot see more than twenty yards ahead."

REAL Solution;

Cut The Fucking Trees Back so that;

a) Visibility is improved.

b) The tree hazard is removed from the vicinity of the roadside. (As any foole knowe, roadside trees are a major contributor to accident fatalities, especially on rural roads.

Where there are more trees, unsurprisingly.)

But since this is proposed by a 'local politician', he's not likely to want to be seen advocating the removal of the THH's Raison D'etre, is he now.


Cowardly rantings.

Besides the by now Statement of the Bleeding Obvious", ergo that this, and any, government will lie it's tits off to justify any revenue raising when it feels like it, the one thing I notice (again), is the number of people ranting away whilst hiding behind the "Anonymous Coward" posting.

Yes, I use a nom-de-plume, but at least the thread of my postings are traceable, unlike yours, you weasels.

Right, that's that off me chest, to business.

Speed cameras are, in the vast majority of their current useage, fixed or mobile, a pox on society and a bare-faced tax on the (otherwise law-abiding) motorist.(at this point I expect a reaction from the *if you don't speed you don't get fined* brigade, but I'm willing to bet that there ain't any saints out there, really, and any driver who says "I don't speed" is suffering from delusional tendencies, and will have, at some time, albeit unintentionally or even unconsciously, exceeded the speed limit, even slightly).

Driving at 80mph on a near-deserted, dry motorway, at 4am is only likely to present a danger to the driver & occupants of said vehicle. the Gatso/mobile camera operator, unlike your average Traffic Plod, takes no account of this, nor any extenuating circumstances there may be involved. This is not good policing, in anyone's book. It's arbitrary, dispassionate and without any sense of mercy or balance, which is what is required of good lawmaking, and good law enforcement. a sense of proportionality needs to be returned to our roads.

On the other side of the argument, there ARE places for non-discriminatory speed enforcement. Busy urban/suburban areas, where there ARE higher numbers of more 'vulnerable' people, where excess vehicle speed DOES contribute to fatality/serious injury levels. These are the places that speed cameras (and the like) should, IMHO, be being deployed, not the major arterial routes. They need to be policed properly, with highly trained, dedicated, passionate HUMAN BEINGS, not automated systems.

Rant over. Thank fuck it's Friday!!

'Carbon neutral' Dell's wind-blowing pays off


so, does that mean...

that all their products are "Carbon Neutral" (oh, how I hate that ever so phoney phrase), and don't cause any further carbon emissions during their lifetime, or by their disposal (in an environmentally friendly way, of course)?


Thought not.

Bullshit icon required here.

Crimeware grifters scamming naive phishers


It restores your faith in human nature...

when you realise that the would-be phishers are even more gullible than their would-be marks.


Carbon Trust: Rooftop windmills are eco own-goal


@ Graham Dawson

"coal is a fraction of the cost of other fuels, and there's enough of it right underneath us to supply the UK's generation needs for the next century"


Unfortunately, the vast majority of the mines we used to operate were closed down by a certain Mr. Ian MacGregor, at the behest of one Margaret Thatcher, and are, for want of a better expression, fucked. It would take a MASSIVE amount of money to get them re-started.

Oh, and since all these pits have been closed for so long, this country no longer has the vast numbers of skilled, qualified miners that would be needed to work these pits, were they ever to be reopened, so that'd need even more money to train miners, or bring them in from other countries.

We must be the only country in the world that would shit on one of our biggest natural resources in this manner.

No, that isn't a typo.

BT slams bandwidth brakes on all subscribers


I'd have thought that by now...

just about EVERYONE had gotten it through their heads that all the speeds advertised were, in reality, theoretical maximums.

And, until (don't hold your breath folks) we get a MASSIVE investment in the comms infrastructure in the UK, it ain't gonna change.

Neither is 'throttling' or 'traffic shaping' or whateverthefuck you care to call it. It's just a tool (that's not perfect) the ISP's are using to try and give everyone a reasonably fair share of the bandwidth available.

I don't like it any more than anyone else, but as there will always be a few greedy fuckers out there who feel that they have some sort of right to hog all the bandwidth, so be it.

Snoop more, share less - Home Office spurns EU advice

Black Helicopters

All the pieces...

are falling nicely into place.

42 days; *useful* information; e-borders; CCTV/ANPR proliferation; Phorm (soon), et al

The NuLaborian jigsaw is nearing completion.

All Hail Emperor Broon.

EU grabs 30MHz of spectrum for talking cars


@ Wize, Gavin Johnstone

"Only works against cars once. The second time you break, they don't care if its real or not."

That really depends on just how hard you stamp on the 'Stop' pedal.

As for the other trick, been there, done that.

And yes, "Muhahahahaha." does rather sum up that little sense of satisfaction at seeing said trucker's ickle face turn purple with apoplectic rage!

"anti-tailgating flares"



@ rhydian

I've found that simply lifting the ol' right foot off the "Go" pedal and applying a swift jab to the "Stop" pedal with it to be pretty effective in deterring tailgaters.

Particularly if you do it just as you finish overtaking a Petrol Tanker.

You can almost hear them scream!

ColorWare's colourful iPhone 3G



No shit?


I'd absolutely no fucking idea they could do it in different colours!

BTW. This is what's known as *sarcasm*.

Since you seemed to miss it first time around.


"hopefully it’ll be extend to Blighty soon."

You HAVE to be fucking joking, right?

I'm going to be sending El Reg the clean-up bill for my work area, which, after seeing *that* picture, is now covered in vomit.

Home wireless without the power trip


Actually, I've just realised...

This was all done in the eighties

Anyone else remember "Electric Dreams"?


"assuming a common language can be agreed upon"

That'll be another *nice* idea murdered by the "my way's best" arguments.

Researcher gives Elvis and bin Laden fake e-passports


And of course...

there are absolutely NO *bent* couriers *securely* delivering passports.

Just thought that should be made perfectly clear.

Nothing to see here.

Move along now.

NASA: Mars is good habitat for Terry Pratchett dragons


At least...

you're being honest about the "SCIENCE QUALITY".

Love the image(s) conjured up. Best laugh I've had so far today.

Online cult decides federal court case


Be afraid...

be very afraid.

This shows just how widespread the acceptance of wikipedia as a source of *facts* has become.

The "Encyclopaedia that anyone can contribute to" has now become a sad, pathetic joke.

That said, what exactly is a "verifiable source" these days?

Hard 'core'? Birmingham City Council's net filtering


@ frymaster

"Now libraries etc. are a different matter..."

You really think so?

You don't think that local councils have a similar obligation to ensure that *their* equipment isn't being *misused*?

I'm pretty sure you'd be fairly pissed if the local kiddie-fiddler was free to use a public library's equipment / internet connection to access his sick little fix.

Or if (insert generic joke terrorist name of your choice) was using it to access anything *useful* as the authorities put it.

Or, perhaps you're trying to use the Libraries facilities , but you can't get the site you want to load because some selfish bastard's hogging all the available bandwidth streaming Westlife's latest video. or watching all the fuckwits hurting themselves on youtube!

There are, and have to be, limits.

The real problem is DEFINING those limits, legality notwithstanding, because we all have different opinions where they lie.