* Posts by dervheid

1194 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Dec 2007

Eee PC series to get Windows 7 but not Vista, says CEO


The "Shiny, shiny, Must have!" effect...

in fool flow.

Typical "Technotards" (TM).

Germans seduce Jacqui over remote hacking of disks


The penny has finally dropped!

Sorry for being so slow on the uptake.

I've only just figured out that our Overlords have discovered that the internet is something that they can't *really* control, so they're out to make it even less useful than the proverbial 'chocolate fire-guard' (at least you'd be able to eat the chocolate, unless it's been made from dodgy Chinese milk, of course), by making it utterly unattractive to use for anything whatsoever.

Back to snail-mail and mail-order catalogues then (not to mention the newsagent's top shelf).

They'll get Jaqui to go for this, no problem. She's clearly already a 'Trojan Human' (I use human in the metaphorical sense here), as I'm sure her head has a zip up the back.

It's time to sign those petitions, people. So stop being a bottler and get on with it!



Microsoft raises anti-piracy posse


Piracy rates for Windows XP are much higher than for Vista

No surprise, but I think they're deluding themselves over the reason.

Here's a tip on how to beat the 'pirates'.

The Global software market is just that guys. GLOBAL. Get used to it. You can't expect to get away with charging peanuts for your product in, say, China, and expect the rest of us to pay several times more for the same POS. This, IMHO, is the root cause. The solution; low prices, globally applied. That, along with an upgrade path that's OPTIONAL, as opposed to being virtually compulsory, will go a LONG, LONG way to cutting into piracy.

Govt ponders proof-of-ID law for future phone purchases

Black Helicopters


When it comes to NuLabour, there is no such thing as unhealthy paranoia.

ALL paranoia is good.

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Meanwhile, back in the real world...

all this would do would be to make even the most basic handset a target for street crime, let alone the 'trendy' handsets.

Yet another prime example of a lack of joined-up-thinking on this one!

Black Helicopters

Look, you know it's fuck-all to do with 'crime fighting'...

and everything to do with tightening the grip on the sheeple.

Time for these control freaks to be sent packing.

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Yet another...

piece of the totalitarian state jigsaw revealed.

Papers Please, Citizen.

Top prosecutor warns against growing state power


Close, but no cigar

"It is therefore of paramount importance that proposals threatening such intrusion into our lives are fully debated"


It is therefore of paramount importance that proposals threatening such intrusion into our lives are consigned to the dustbin / looneybin where they belong.

Paris ups sticks to London


Make her welcome until..

she's been parted from as much cash as possible (she could probably bail Gordo out single handed) , then she can go.

Kentucky judge OKs 141-site net casino land grab


@ easy answer

FFS, don't go giving the arsehole ideas! Do you think this power-crazed moron will stop at the State Line there either? You're putting the whole interweb at risk, you dolt.


What a pompous arsehole..

the judge is.

And the 'merkins wonder why... yadda, yadda, yadda...

Home Office mulls fighting hacking with corporate ASBOs


@ Pete

Bwaaak! Buk buk buk, bwaaaak!

BTW, Watashi. do you honestly think that the Glenrothes by-election will have ANY impact on the current ship of fools?

Black Helicopters

WTF are they *really* up to here?

Because this appears to be a load of unenforceable, un-policeable bollocks.

Is it *really* just a POS concocted by a clearly internet-illiterate junior minister?

Or is there a darker agenda here?

Papers Please, Citizen.


Picked up from another thread...


Go on,

You know it makes sense.

BMW unwraps electric Mini


@ Peter Clarkson (no relation, surely?)

"It seems electric cars are finally becoming practical."

No, I was right, no relation!

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Yet another...

'urban (or perhaps urbane) run-around', practicality value, practically zero. Just a gimmick for the 'stylish' eco-freaks. (BTW, where will the 'leccy come from? Green sources? Unlikely.)

Congrats to BMW though, for successfully jumping on the bandwagon.

Well done.

UK.gov plans 'consensus' on PAYG phone registry


And the consensus is...

Enough of this shite already.



Sack Whacky Jaqui!


US judge rejects lawsuit against God


And this arsehole is a SENATOR?

All that is fucked-up in the US of A in one compact court case.

Hoon: Not building überdatabase would be terrorist licence to kill

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What Utter...

utter, utter, utter, utter, utter, utter, utter, utter, utter, utter, utter, utter, utter, utter, utter, utter, utter, utter, utter, utter, utter, utter, utter BULLSHIT!

NuLabour have completely outdone themselves this time.

Move over Jaqui, there's a new nutter on the block.

Whacky Jaqui, meet Hoon the Loon!

All your freedoms, privacies, data and communications are belong to us!

Papers Please, Citizen.

Audit Commission coughs to Iceland investments


I know we shouldn't laugh, but...

Oh, the sweet, sweet irony.

Who watches the watchers?


Google calls on developers to polish Chrome


@ Tom Richardson


But all you've got is a glitter coated jobby, all the same.

Not sure if it's even safe to use the word "Glitter" these days!


@ the other Steve...

maybe so, but you have to admire their gall, just a little.


It doesn't matter...

how hard you rub, or how much 'Mr. Sheen' (TM) you use, you can't polish a jobbie!

Wacky Jacqui's yoof ID site goes silent


Something like this...

JS: Well then, BY (Britain's Yoof), what do you think of these well cool ID cards then, man?

BY: They is well minging!

JS: So, you like them then, dudes?

BY: No, Bitch, they is totally shit!

JS: Great, so you're all in favour of them.

BY:You is not listenin' woman. They is MINGING! We ain't wantin 'em. Is you deaf?

JS: Super. You'll all get one shortly then.

BY: !!!?!

Papers Please, Citizen.

Daughter cremates mom on improvised barbecue


If you listen really carefully...

there'll be the sound of banjo music in the background...

iPhone beer maker sues Carling over virtual suds


$12.5 million?

At $3 per pint, that'd be just over 4.1 million sales 'lost'.

Are there *really* that many mugs out there?

No, wait. How many *mugs* possess an iPhone again...

GooTube snubs McCain's call for DMCA favoritism


"They don't like it up 'em" 2...

the return of the temper tantrum!

Ain't it nice when your 'own' legislation turns round and bites you on the ass.

Sweet, sweet irony.

MoD admits data loss bigger than thought


The audit...

will probably end up 'lost too!


The MoD has set up a helpline...

for people who think their personal details could be at risk.

Please tell me that the drive that's been 'lost' isn't the only copy of this data that the MOD have!

A helpline is NOT what's needed. They should be contacting each and every person on this 'list', and EDS should be footing the fucking bill.

Then they get SACKED!

Useless Fuckers.

Jacqui Smith resurrects 42-days after Lords rejection


@ Richard

You Goit!

You just HAD to go and mention that bloody Chakrabarti woman, didn't you.

Now I'll have to go for a lie down in a dark, cool, quiet room.

It's my blood pressure, you see.

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"They don't like it up 'em!"

When I was young (and foolish) I used to believe that The Lords was an undemocratic gaggle of hereditary inbreeds and a waste of space in the democratic process.

How wrong can you be.

Gawd bless 'em.

You almost feel sorry for Jaqui, scrabbling around for the tattered shreds of the '42 days' and posturing like some spoiled brat.

Showing her true colours there!

Sorry? NOT!!

Oz radio newsreader skips broadcast for Facebook


reaserch on facebook?

WTF (newsworthy) could you POSSIBLY research on facebook, FFS?

Vista scrabbles for X Factor


You can't sing, you can't dance - what do you want me to say?

how about "fuck of vista, and never come back, you bloated pile of shite"

Ah, that's better.

Turbo-charged wireless hacks threaten networks


"Sensitive" networks.

Why, in the name of the Dark Lord, would anyone operating a "sensitive" network have *any* wireless connectivity to it at all?

The easier it is to connect to, the easier it'll be to hack into, and vice versa.




Canada sex shop heist shafts proprietress


Maybe they want them for...

that well known alternative bar 'sport' of "vibrator racing"!

(Hmmmm. Hmm-hmm-hmm hmm-hmm hmm-hmm-hmm hmm....)

Radiation warning for low-energy lightbulbs


Oh lovely...

yet another "planet saving" device that, once you actually look at the long term impacts, ain't such a 'brilliant' idea after all.


Serial troll bitchslaps Reg hack


Stlii laughing...

as I type this.

Nothing cheers me up on a shitty, wet workday in the same way as reading the incoherent rantings of a complete and utter retard like this.

He certainly doesn't come across as the sort of arsehole that anyone would want to "save their country". I suspect even his native land would reject his efforts, due to an obvious mental instability.


Brussels bounces BT-Phorm quiz back to UK.gov

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Dear Gov.Uk & BERR


Go away and do it again. This time do it PROPERLY.


The European Commission.

US telco: 'Public broadband is illegal'


@ wouldnt it be good if...

and damn all the sheeple who bought the shares (in something they already owned), then sold them on for thirty pieces of silver to the big corporations who really wanted them, but couldn't have bought them openly from Maggie without the shit hitting the fan, big time.

Undoubtedly one of the biggest cons ever perpetrated.

And still we're blinded by greed (look at what's happening around us now).

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I do hope...

that TDS get their corporate arses well and truly kicked over this abject nonsense. So much for the 'free market' values in the US.

MEPs vote to recognise flag, anthem, motto


Jim Allister's comments...

leave me wondering WHY he's a fucking MEP?

Wouldn't have anything to do with "riding the gravy train" now, would it?


Home Office defends retaining comms data

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All your telecoms...

are belong to us.

"Papers Please, Citizen."

Indian Moon mission is go for 22 October

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Has NASA...

been 'offshored'?

And will the booster be a bright metallic colour, festooned with fringes, and have 30 or 40 other probes clinging onto the side of it, like lots of other Indian transportation.

Windows Update to trumpet Vista Capable debacle?


Dear Vincent

"I don't think that a lawsuit is in order because to me, it seems like a genuine mistake to make."

Can I come over and join you in your nice, cuddly, fluffy, friendly world, where everybody is concerned with the well-being of everyone else, and not out to make a massive profit on the back of the lack of knowledge of someone else, or just generally shaft the shit out of them whilst cheerfully lining their own pockets.

Meanwhile, back in the real world...


Dear Andy

You've just proven the point in question IMHO.

You say;

"TV has a "HD Ready" sticker on the front of it, but it's never shown anything in HD. Of course I knew it wouldn't when I bought it because I don't have any HD sources to connect to it. However, if I were to connect a _totally separate_ HD device to it then it should in theory show a HD picture without having to do anything to the TV itself."

However, the "HD Ready" logo merely indicates the device's ability to accept an HD source, via an HDMI connector. What it DOESN'T tell you is whether or not you TV is actually capable of displaying a full High Definition picture, at the 1080p resolution.

Different Logo, same shit.


I'd have thought...

that the buck, ultimately, stops at the CEO (as in CHIEF Executive Officer)

I'm posting this on a corporate machine, of Dell origin, with the aforementioned "Windows Vista Capable" label prominently on view. This box originally came (in December 06) with 512Mb of RAM. Not what most folks would call "Windows Vista Capable" I think. (It's been upgraded to 2Gb, 'cos it wouldn't run jack shit, still running XP though). My colleague's box next to mine was produced in June 07, with 1Gb, and sporting a "Designed for Windows XP" sticker.

Tells ME all I need to know about the 'Windows Vista Capable' program.

Hope this action succeeds, and that the appropriate penalties are paid by those ultimately responsible.

Tux, simply because I'm finally in the process of migrating my own hardware to Linux.

Lords to attack UK.gov failings on internet security


"Educate not legislate "?


This suggestion is contrary to NuLabouria's standardised policy of "Legislation not Education"

As you have identified yourself, you are ordered to repost to the National Official Bureau of Happiness and Exemplary Attitude Development (N.O.B.H.E.A.D.) where the staff will re-align your perception of the world to conform with the NuLabourian ideals.

Papers Please!

NASA's IBEX to sniff interstellar boundary


Space Corps. Directive #196156-A

Any probe caught sniffing the heliosphere's termination shock will be discharged without trial.

Sharp shows first 'zero-emission' telly

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And just WHAT...

do you do when there's no sun, at NIGHT when 'most' people are watching the telly?


New NASA nuclear Mars rover hits budget, time problems


Are they sure it's an 'exploration' vehicle?

"Its radioisotope power source will enable the use of powerful grinders and crushers, able to powder tough Martian rocks for analysis, and a laser able to "vapourise material" up to 10 meters off"

Sounds like one of DARPA's killbots, FFS!

We await a response from amanfrommars. (U-LLA!)