* Posts by Martin Peake

5 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Dec 2007

Missing Thunderbirds footage found in British garden shed

Martin Peake

Re: That film...

And is much less creepy than IRL. Now watching the film, those bloody rock snakes are about to kick off!

Martin Peake

That film...

I remember my Dad taking me to see Thunderbirds Are Go! at the local cinema - thePalace, in Wellingborough. Those rock snakes scared the sh*t out of little me, but the film left a lasting impression. Dad bought me the amazing Zero-X spacecraft from the film, which I treasured. Eventually my mum gave it away, a crime I never forgave her for.

Vulture gets claws on Lego's latest Apollo nostalgia-fest

Martin Peake

Re: Pricey

Mum did that with my Thunderbirds, including my Zero-X favourite toy. Still miss it, and I'm 58...

Champion of competitive CAT-5 untangling is crowned

Martin Peake

There are only three sports...

... hunting, shooting and fishing. The rest are but games; but this, this is obsession.

Daring Register raid snatches key government URL

Martin Peake

No black helicopters then...

Tonight being Spooks night on the telly, I was rather worried that El Reg would be visited by the men in black helicopters, and there would be no more ripping yarns of stranded pantechniconists and government FUBARs for a while.

But once again, our Lords and Masters screwed up their IT facts again. Shame they didn't do the same for the hunting ban, the handgun ban...