Could this be like Eddie Stobart spotting?
We need a website with a pic of each unique google streetview car and where it has been spotted.
12 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Dec 2007
Interestingly, this ViewSonic monitor has the same panel as the new iMacs:
So a high end mini, Apple keyboard, mouse, this monitor and VAT will set you back £870.
Simon@ www.thefreemac.com
Mac users should worry about their Windows colleagues (it's a bit like having an injured puppy in the room) and have some sort of antivirus software running but ClamXAV is more than good enough and free.
I think it was more to pacify sysmans in mixed networks who can't bear the thought of not installing crap on computers to make them run slower and infuriate their users.
In our modern fast warfare scenarios, why do we still hang on to archaic divisions in the armed forces where all three operate aircraft, yet we have the RAF, etc.
Maybe the real saving could come with having just one armed force, that works together and has one set of equipment. We could then concentrate on always having the best for each job.