Re: Stop spreading Windows FUD.
Sorry, but which versions of Windows and Linux are you using? 5 years ago, I'd agree with all but one of your comments, but now, it's obvious you aren't using the current facts.
From my personal experience...
On my laptop at home (which is an off-the-shelf job with a handful of random devices attached)
>Driver incompatibility,
XP is flawless
Vista can't cope with the graphics, sound, wireless or most of my USB kit. Hours on google still can't fix wireless or half the USB stuff.
Ubuntu failed on the wireless card, but 30 seconds on google fixed it
>recompiling the kernel
Nope, not needed for anything I've wanted to try out.
>An office suite that is more or less useless (mainly because the documents are formatted differently when opened in MS Office),
This is the one I still tend to agree with, but most of my work does not go to people who would read it in Office.
>Firefox that can't auto update ,
Eh? Have you used version 2 or above yet?
>The difficulty of installing apps that aren't in repositories
Repositories are as easy as MSI or self-installers (actually usually easier)
Non-repository applications are the same as windows apps that arrive with a long string of "unpack, copy, hack registry, insert cronbubbly in the doomwranger" style instructions.
The overwhelming majority of real users out there won't install non-repository apps - we just don't need them.
>Horrible hibernation support
XP - 99.9% (it bluescreens now and then)
Vista - 50% chance of it not restoring hibernated session, no reason given
Ubuntu - 99% (it fails to recognise that I have swapped the hardware in the DVD/CD/Floppy removable drive)
>A PDF viewer that can't display PDFs correctly,
Um, vi is not a PDF viewer...
>A major release every 6 months with a new kernel (that breaks apps and drivers compatibility)
XP - Fine
Vista - Service pack broke half the hardware I'd struggled to get working
Ubuntu - Never had an app or driver break on upgrade
Don't get me wrong - I'm not a Linux fanboy, and I'm not convinced it's ready for the casual user - I'm simply annoyed by the suggestion that this article is spreading Windows FUD when the "evidence" is either MS-sponsored anti-Linux FUD or 5 years out of date?
Or did I miss the "joke alert" symbol?
Yours, a Mac Fanboy
Tux, cos there's no iFlame icon...