Apple did a good thing
Hi guys! I am one of those kids who lost their half million dollar home (more like 3 million lol! whatever.) and I think that what Apple did is good and deserves support, not hate. There is too much hate in this world already so why hate the good things people do? Make love, not war right, lol! I really appreceate the ipod I got because I did lose EVERYTHING, like I'm literally homeless. We had to leave everything behind when we evacuated, so I had nothing except for the ones on my back! My mom and I went to the store today, but theres no way I can replace my entire wardrobe in one day, plus where are we going to put it all I don't even have a house yet. Even with insurance, its not like I can just point to a house and say "I want that one" and that's it! We have to stay in a hotel while my parents figure out what were going to do next. There lots of things that money can't replace, like the antique (or vintage?) bear I got from my grandma when she was a little girl, and this really beautiful painting from my first trip to Paris that I had since I was like 5 (I'm almost 17 now lol), even all my mom's jewelry that were like herlooms and my dad's guitar collection and so many other things. The point is not that the ipod is supposed to replace all that because that's impossible, but its a gesture that says "we're sorry about what happened and we care." I got nothing but support from friends (duh) but even complete strangers who don't even know me, but because their good people. I lost my computer (duh), so I'm writing this on a friends in my hotel room. At least having an ipod helps pass time, and my friend has a lot of cool music I didn't know she even had lol! (and for those of you who say I'm "stealing" music I'm not, she gave me her password so I could listen to her music before I bought my own).
Sorry this is so long but I just wanted to say Apple rocks and because of their kind gesture, I will always support their company. OK, thats it. Thanks guys!