* Posts by Bob Counts

2 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Dec 2007

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our readers

Bob Counts

Yes it IS a festive Season!!!

I am siting in my SOHO 2PM local time (Central). I have assembled a gas grill for my daughter and her husband, ate the roast beast, drank the egg nog and I am at peace with the world. It is the ONLY day but what the hay, It is Christmas. I would like to wish all the readers a Merry Christmas, and the Especially all the the staff of the Register.

May all your problems be little ones and your joys in life be great. Like a famous English writer once wrote;"God bless us everyone".

How much does El Reg cost the global economy?

Bob Counts

Break Even

Using the Office Spreadsheet software I came to the conclusion that It is a break even proposition. I have used the same figures 5 times and got 5 different answers. Averaged the answers together and arrive with $0.00.

This, of course, allows for the buggy M$ software, in which case your cost is $63,000,489.27