* Posts by Mike

4 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Dec 2007

Time Warner moots billing based on bandwidth usage


Bang goes innovation

Some of the recent and upcoming - and legal - innovations for use of our higher speed internet connections include commercial streaming TV - these uses are bandwidth intensive (especially when we want HD!)

Moving to a PAYG basis for broadband seems like a backward move for the entire industry, as these sort of applications become more expensive, less likely to be adopted, and thus do NOT become the "killer applications" users can use to justify their expenditure on the higher speed links.

Sounds lie shooting themselves in the foot to me.

Now RIAA says copying your own CDs is illegal

Black Helicopters

unauthorised copies

I assume this means they'll be suing Microsoft (for media player) and Apple (itunes) for providing the means to make unauthorised copies of data? and for selling hardware with the capabilities to play these unauthorised tracks (zune, ipod)

No? oh what a surprise.

Space brains resign over efforts to attract ET attention

IT Angle

Intelligent life?

Someone once said that probably the most convincing argument that intelligent life exists on other planets is that none of it has contacted us yet.....

If you want an IT angle on this, what's being suggested by the anti-active-seti lobby is nothing more or less than SECURITY BY OBSCURITY!

Of course, it's just possible that this form of security is the only sort we actually have - which is a most frightening concept.

World's Dumbest File-sharer megafine gets DoJ thumbs-up



Libraries can loan out CDs (basically, unprotected copies of the music) to multiple people over the course of the life of a CD. Surely what this woman was doing is no different to that?

So, anyone know the price of a license to loan out CDs? I'd say that that was a proportionate price level for the fine